Fish Fanatic
Closed down my community trigon 190 last week mainly due to the fact i live upstairs on old shaky wooden floors and didnt fancy half a ton of equipment, fish and water crashing through the ceiling, the trigons out the back ready to sell, Ihad my heart set on a dennerle scapers tank 50l but swell uk let me down badly 2 weeks in a row, with the urge to get the empty trigon out of the room i noticed the aqua nano 40 was a very nice looking tank, I bought it yesterday and replaced it this morning as the sealed filter compartment had come away from the silicon on the one side.
Shifted the trigon out the back this evening and setup the aqua nano, i have 2 other tanks running in the house which will probably be shut down so they are holding any fish that i will want to stock the nano with as well as plants and caves etc, on moving the large piece of wood i checked if any fish were attached and carried it over a bucket upstairs to the new tank, within seconds a small bristlenose plec went swimming about, this was unintentional as the tempperature was probably wrong and the filter hasnt got any bacteria yet.
I have an external running out the back which powered the heavily stocked trigon, it contains mature seachem matrix and hopefully a lot of the good bacteria have survived a week in the garden pushing 50 litres about with plants and bogwood in, i put in some food and catfish pellets hoping the bacteria will feed off this.
My intention is to take a fair chunk of the matrix bag it up and put in the middle chamber of the rear filter.
Stocking will be some of the current fish/shrimp i have in the other 2 tanks,
so i have 2 gobies, 1 is a red spotted rhinogoby and the other is slightly thinner with a full circled dark eyes, as well as 2 bumblebee gobies,i have an ugly betta which i chose in sympathy to try and save in maidenhead aquatics a while back, i only bought him to try and save him, hes flourished in the the heavily mossed nano, i have 6 celestial pearl danios in with him which will also move along with the betta and ill up their numbers in time. Their are a few hillstream loaches in my fathers nano which is also closing down, they may be added also as they are currently stuck in a 30 litre tank.
I also have a mature ecco pro 130 filter in that tank and if flow needs to be increased that will be added.
I know their are slow flow fish and fast flow mixed in this setup, but bettas will find a dead spot and the hillstreams will choose where the flow is, in regards to shrimp i am thinking crs, the breeding cherry reds are not that colourful tbh, maybe the tank setup or the fact a betta patrols such a tank, there breeding constantly though. The gobies have shown no aggresion to a solitary cherry shrimp whilst they have been rehomed temporarily so hoping thats stays the case.
Shifted the trigon out the back this evening and setup the aqua nano, i have 2 other tanks running in the house which will probably be shut down so they are holding any fish that i will want to stock the nano with as well as plants and caves etc, on moving the large piece of wood i checked if any fish were attached and carried it over a bucket upstairs to the new tank, within seconds a small bristlenose plec went swimming about, this was unintentional as the tempperature was probably wrong and the filter hasnt got any bacteria yet.
I have an external running out the back which powered the heavily stocked trigon, it contains mature seachem matrix and hopefully a lot of the good bacteria have survived a week in the garden pushing 50 litres about with plants and bogwood in, i put in some food and catfish pellets hoping the bacteria will feed off this.
My intention is to take a fair chunk of the matrix bag it up and put in the middle chamber of the rear filter.
Stocking will be some of the current fish/shrimp i have in the other 2 tanks,
so i have 2 gobies, 1 is a red spotted rhinogoby and the other is slightly thinner with a full circled dark eyes, as well as 2 bumblebee gobies,i have an ugly betta which i chose in sympathy to try and save in maidenhead aquatics a while back, i only bought him to try and save him, hes flourished in the the heavily mossed nano, i have 6 celestial pearl danios in with him which will also move along with the betta and ill up their numbers in time. Their are a few hillstream loaches in my fathers nano which is also closing down, they may be added also as they are currently stuck in a 30 litre tank.
I also have a mature ecco pro 130 filter in that tank and if flow needs to be increased that will be added.
I know their are slow flow fish and fast flow mixed in this setup, but bettas will find a dead spot and the hillstreams will choose where the flow is, in regards to shrimp i am thinking crs, the breeding cherry reds are not that colourful tbh, maybe the tank setup or the fact a betta patrols such a tank, there breeding constantly though. The gobies have shown no aggresion to a solitary cherry shrimp whilst they have been rehomed temporarily so hoping thats stays the case.