New And Happy To Have Help


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Mar 12, 2013
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I guess I am doing this backwards as I already posted...sorry! I have eight black widow tetras in a 55g tank. For awhile now, I have been hesitant to add more as these tetras seem very happy on their own. A part of me, however, would like to add at least one more type of fish...which is what led me to this site. Hoping to learn from others experiences
No worries about the backwards posting. You're tank could handle maybe another school of fish ( ask us about species we'll point you in the right direction) a cleaner and a centerpiece.
This is what I'd do:
8 black widow tetras
8 cories ( Id do peppered but it's up to you )
1 gourami or peaceful cichlid ( id do a pearl or opaline gourami here )
And 1 plecostomus ( many species are giants but many do great in that tank id do a bristlenose )

Have fun with the hobby and welcome to the forums!!!
Thanks all! I had never considered adding a gourami - they are so pretty! Would a pearl gourami be okay on his/her own, or is it better to have them in pairs? (Realizing that I should be starting a new post for this, ahh well!)
gouramis do better alone or in a 1 male 2 female ratio. No worries about starting a new topic, saves you a bunch of extra typing lol.
gouramis do better alone or in a 1 male 2 female ratio. No worries about starting a new topic, saves you a bunch of extra typing lol.
I'd be more comfortable with just having one in the tank - but then I'd worry that he/she might be lonely! I'm 95% certain I will be adding in one (or three) gourami, though, if I do this, I do hope that my little black widow tetras don't find the flowing bits of gourami worthy of nipping! They are not bad when it comes to nipping, but they certainly do their share every so often!
I hear that 3 spot ( and all their different color strains ) are mildly aggressive so they should be able to fend of 8 tetras.
I would have thought the tetras will leave the Gourami alone and if not he/she should be able to handle him/herself.
I think your three gouramis will be able to fend for themselves, as long as the tank has enough hiding places and you keep the fish well fed. Fish generally nip in overcrowded tanks. Way to take your time stocking your tank, and welcome!
I've got a 55g with 10 longfin black widow tetras, 7 blood fin tetras, a bunch of cory (4 different species), 4 serpae tetra, a silver tip tetra, a von Rio tetra and a flying fox. If I had a LFS nearby I'd up the lower tetra numbers to at least 6 each, but no joy in that department.
All fish get along well, I'm happy to say. I like the gourami idea. Welcome!

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