New 7 Gallon (28L) Tank

I would put in just a male betta or a few guppies (or even endlers) once the tank has been cycled. Not both together.

There are a few reasons:

Bettas often mistake male guppies for other male bettas - it's the loing tails and bright colours that are the trigger - and the betta may well attack the guppies. I was in a shop a few years ago which had put a male betta in a tank of guppies and the betta was singling out the guppies one by one, herding them into a corner and pouncing. All the guppies had bits missing from their tails. I told the shop owner who said he'd only been in there since that morning and she removed him straight away (it's hard to sell guppies with bits missing!)

Bettas like soft water and guppies like hard water so they aren't really compatible.

I have a male betta and a nerite snail in my 26 litre tank. The betta flares at the snail when it is on the glass but that's all.
If you have hard water I would go for a few male endlers rather than guppies.

Have you cycled the tank yet?
Thankyou! I have decided to go with just 1 betta and am planning on cycling the tank before i get the fish.

Also i may just get a 3.5 gallon tank for my betta with a filter and heater. I have heard the mimum tank is 2.5 so i think is should be fine. I would have
Thankyou! I have decided to go with just 1 betta and am planning on cycling the tank before i get the fish.

Also i may just get a 3.5 gallon tank for my betta with a filter and heater. I have heard the mimum tank is 2.5 so i think is should be fine. I have more room for the smaller tank.

I am planning on cycling before hand so do you know how long it would take to cycle a 3.5 gallon tank and then how long before i put a betta in? Also do you have any tips on how to do this correctly.

Thanks sorry about this reply new to the forum.
Thankyou! I have decided to go with just 1 betta and am planning on cycling the tank before i get the fish.

Also i may just get a 3.5 gallon tank for my betta with a filter and heater. I have heard the mimum tank is 2.5 so i think is should be fine. I would have
Since the other forum member didn't bother to tell you, I will.

Betta require a minimum of 5 gallons to live in. Anything smaller is inhumane and cruel and over time detrimental to his health. The "betta can live in small spaces" thing is just a myth. Many fish can "live" in small spaces, but living isn't thriving. You will have a much healthier, happier, and active betta if you give him the room to exhibit his natural behaviors and to swim freely and explore his tank. I'd go with the 7 gallon, you can also get a nice ten gallon kit for less than thirty dollars at most pet stores. The kit comes with a filter and heater already and will allow you to have more plants or possible a small school of non-aggressive fish he can live with too. Cordyora can make nice and interesting tank mates.

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