New 55 Gallon Tank: Combine All Fish Into One 55 Gallon Or Keep 2 10 G


New Member
May 5, 2012
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I managed to score a $25 55 gallon tank off of craiglist! I plan to put my pleco in there, and perhaps my dalmatian Molly.

My question: I also have a betta fish, African dwarf frog, two neon tetra, and a pladdy.

Should I combine all of these fish into the massive tank or keep them in the 2 10 gallon tanks?

Also, please note, I don't want anymore fish, so buying more neon tetra to place in the 55 gallon is not an option! (I know some will suggest, keep betta and frog in one, the pladdy in another, put the molly, pleco, and (more) neons in the 55 gallon.)
yea you can combine them all in that tank. and wow good find! just make sure that you have floating plants for the beta so that he/she has some place to rest. oh yea it depends on what type of pleco you have, but it might reach it's full size in that tank.. never know it might become HUGE!
but since you have few fish for that much of water.. its really just a personal choice if you want them in a large tank. i would go for it.
WOW! Lucky you, what a steal! yes, you can combine the fish. Watch out for that pleco, though.What happened to your other tetras, did they die?

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