New 55 Gallon! Suggestions?


Jul 4, 2013
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ive just got a new 55 gallon tank at the dollar a gallon sale deadline at petco, ive thought of chiclids but decided not to do them so does anybody have suggestions on what to put in there i also like peaceful better than semi aggresive.
If your up for a challenge try Discus! I'd Love to keep them.. Or maybe angelfish. Maybe do a Bio-type? There are loads of possiblities. 
Are there any particular fish that you like?
You could do a tetra tank with a centre piece, could look quite cool?
You could try doing a heavily planted aquarium with (possibly) CO2?
What dimensions are we looking at with this 55? Long, breeder, triangular?
How about heavily planted with a whole pile of microrasboras?
long i was thinking of a heavily planted aquarium with a south american scene
Corys! Bolivian rams, Angels, Harchets.
Or Kuhlis, Gouramis, Rasboras.
Puffers! Or try brackish since you like livebearers so much! :D a puffer tank with only 1 species would work. Just put lots of hiding places.
well lets say dwarf puffers and could they have tankmates such as mollies and scarlet livebearers?
Nope. Puffers will chomp on livebearers or pretty much any fish.
wow ok well im mightjump off they brackish train here how many angels could i fit in this tank

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