New 29 Gallon Planted Tank


New Member
Sep 26, 2012
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Hello Everyone,

First post, here we go...

I have kept marine tanks for numerous years now, have recently discovered the beauty of planted tropical tanks and am now a tropical convert (not many do it that way round I know!).

Anyway, I have set up a 29 gallon planted aquarium and it has just come to the end of its fishless cycle (I will keep dosing ammonia until 24 hours before I add the first fish). Now I am a little stuck on the stocking and wanted some advice from some people with experience in the hobby...

I have an idea on what I would like:

5/6 Albino Corydoras
5/6 Harlequin Rasbora
5/6 Cherry Barb
1/2 Honey Gourami
1/2 German Blue Ram

Could anybody please let me know if this is an acceptable combination of fish? They are all peaceful in their own right (Providing plenty of hiding places are provided) but will they be alright together? I am also not sure on whether the numbers are right with the odd/even number for schoals and whether its best to have single gouramis or rams?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated and if I could add any more fish then great and what would everyone add?


i dont know about the rams with the gouramis, i had a male german blue ram, with 2 honey gouramis, and he killed them, you could try, but if they fight, you would need to separate them.

welcome to the forums :) ( i would do a welcome sign, but idk how to do it, lol):p
Thank you for the reply! I may have to rethink then... I would rather not have to try fishing something out if it turned out to be aggressive and I know there are no guarantees but I think I will avoid any with a good chance of being aggressive.

Just got to think of an alternative now...

Haha thank you!
Here is the tank... Ignore the turtle :rolleyes:

Edit: Never mind the photo is too big :no:
turtle usually need like 55 gallons, unless it is one of those map turtles
Would love to see a photo of it :D Flickr is what I use to upload my photos

I hope this works?

There you go :)

Looks really nice and that's a pretty cool turtle you've got there lol

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