New 25G Freshwater Aquarium


New Member
Feb 5, 2013
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Hello, yesterday my grandma' was cleaning the old 20g tank that we had and she accidentally cracked one of the corners of the tank, so we had to rush to a local pet shop to buy a new tank. (I had to buy the tank, lol.) We end up with a 25g tank and I have it running with some of the old water that the 20g aquarium had. Currently there are 2 cichlids, which I'm planning to take to the lfs so I can build a new aquarium. (Hopefully a good looking one =D.)
I was just surfing around the web looking for pictures/videos of some freshwater aquariums, but I can't seem to find something that I'd stick to. I don't want to invest too much $, but taking in consideration that I have old equipment, maybe the impact isn't that hard.
Anyone have any idea about what type of set-up could I make? I would like some active-friendly-colorful fishes swimming around probably in packs. Not sure if I would like to have live plants at the moment to be honest, but who knows if later on I change my mind :p.
Any advice/suggestion will be nice =)
Well, I guess my first question would be, what kind of fish were you thinking of? South American tetras? Livebearers? An Asian biotope? General community?
I would recommend a South American set-up, as not many Gouramis will fit in a tank that size, you could go with Livebearers like Guppies, Platies maybe even Swortails, but IMO they are a bit boring.
6-8 Cardinal Tetra [Paracheirodon Axelrodi]
6-8 Firehead Tetra [Hemigrammus Bleheri]
6-8 Sterbai's Cory [Corydoras Sterbai]
and a pair of Dwarf Cichlids [Apistogramma sp.] possibly a M:F 1:2 trio?
Tek oot.
thereverendturtle said:
Well, I guess my first question would be, what kind of fish were you thinking of? South American tetras? Livebearers? An Asian biotope? General community?
Currently I have 2 cichlids, an electric yellow and an electric blue one. I like the cichlid's color but the problem is, I don't think I can fit more than 3 cichlids into my 25g tank. So I'm looking for fishes that have some nice colors and like to swim around without fighting with each other.
TekFish said:
I would recommend a South American set-up, as not many Gouramis will fit in a tank that size, you could go with Livebearers like Guppies, Platies maybe even Swortails, but IMO they are a bit boring.
6-8 Cardinal Tetra [Paracheirodon Axelrodi]
6-8 Firehead Tetra [Hemigrammus Bleheri]
6-8 Sterbai's Cory [Corydoras Sterbai]
and a pair of Dwarf Cichlids [Apistogramma sp.] possibly a M:F 1:2 trio?
Tek oot.
That sounds interesting. Will have to take a ride to the lfs to check if they sell these specific fishes. n.n
Cheers and thanks :)
Cardinals are pretty common so are sterbais, you'll probably get the fireheads but they will be called Rummynose tetras since they're very similar to the actual rummynose tetra, apistos 50/50 they may have them may not.

Tek oot.

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