New 10 Gallon Tank, Right Steps?

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Nov 16, 2012
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Hey guys, I am completely new to the fish hobby and would like to get some questions answered.

I recently got a Marineland 10 Gallon kit, and after carefully following the instructions and setting it up, I would like to know how to properly cycle it before adding any fish.

I added tap water and then put in a teaspoon of a Big Al's Multi-purpose Aquarium water conditioner that I bought from my local fish store. It says to add one teaspoon to remove chlorine and two teaspoons to neutralize chloramine. I'm confused to whether or not I should add one or two teaspoons so I add a one teaspoon last night just to be safe. I also have a Multi-purpose Bio-support which apparently has 300 million live bacteria per teaspoon so I also added one teaspoon last night as well.

I don't know if I am following the right steps but I want to make sure I have somewhat of a cycle tank before I add any fish to it. I currently have the filter running and the heater set at 78 F but aside from the two teaspoons I put in, that is it. Should I be doing something else or is it safe to add fish after a couple days?

I want to add platys in my tank.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
Here is a picture of my tank:

Cycling can easily take upwards of two months. Here is a good link to read.
and also u will need a thermometer if you have not got one just bob in to the pet shop they cost bout £2 just in-case u ant got one as i cnt seem to see it nice tank :D
I have a stick on thermometer on the left side of the tank but I heard they are not quite as accurate so maybe investing in a better thermometer would be best?
I would reccomend Sombrero's thread along with getting a bottle of ammonia. If you just sit there with water in the tank nothing is going to happen.
Well done to you, for actually reading up about cycling and not just throwing some fish in and having them die. Your fish will thank you for it! :good:
I have the same tank in my dorm room at college (along with a 46 bow at home), and that thermometer works just fine. I have two small African Cichlids in the tank (Venustus and Compressiceps). I put the fish in there right away the day I added water, and not a thing has happened, of course I took a few gallons from my set-up at home.

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