Nerite Snails Out Of Water


Jul 16, 2013
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Got 5 new nerite snails a couple of days ago. They have a kind of checkered pattern on them, I already have 7 zebra nerites that are doing great ( growing and lying eggs). However the new snails are all out of the water hanging on the glass above water surface. They were doing this at the fish shop too. Are they in some sort of breeding state or something?

Water is fine no ammonia or nitrites. Nitrates around 40-50 yesterday, water change done today.
baker360360 said:
Got 5 new nerite snails a couple of days ago. They have a kind of checkered pattern on them, I already have 7 zebra nerites that are doing great ( growing and lying eggs). However the new snails are all out of the water hanging on the glass above water surface. They were doing this at the fish shop too. Are they in some sort of breeding state or something?

Water is fine no ammonia or nitrites. Nitrates around 40-50 yesterday, water change done today.
Maybe they found a nice patch of algea!
As long as they don't go out of the actual tank they should be fine!
Nerite snails, all species basically are all good escape artists unfortunately! 
Would advise, if you can, is to fit a decent fitting lid on your tank otherwise they might escape your tank entirely, unfortunately they cannot survive for too long out of water. Keep an eye on them, I myself will be getting some Horned Nerites and did a DIY fitted lid on my GF's nano tank.
Here's a little more informations on these FYI.
The lid is pretty sucure.

Will they stay out of the water long enough to kill them selves?
baker360360 said:
The lid is pretty sucure.

Will they stay out of the water long enough to kill them selves?
No they are not suicidal snails, they only die if they cannot get back into water, for example if they escape and fall out of the tank altogether and cannot get back into the tank.

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