Neon Tetras & Glass Catfish


New Member
Mar 31, 2013
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Hi All,
I got few glass catfish yesterday, they seem peaceful and haven't chased any fish about.
Problem I have though is that since I have introduced them to my tank the shoal of Neon Tetras I have stay in one corner. 
They only come out when its feeding time then all back to the corner of the tank again.
Is this normal behavior for the neons?
Yes, they're just adjusting to the new fish; you and I know glass cats aren't a threat, but your neons don't!
They'll soon realise they're not in any danger and get back to normal :)
You're welcome; good choice of fish, btw; I have false neons and glass cats (plus some hatchets and corydoras) in one of my tanks; it's probably my favourite ;)
Of course, I should have asked if you've checked your water, just to be on the safe side; always good idea when you've done anything major to the tank (added or taken away fish or plants, rescaped).
Do you have enough shady places for the cats to hang out? And how many do you have? They can be too shy to come out and eat, if there's not enough of them.
ok friend had taken my testing kit so i can let you know that, as for the neons i have 7 of them...
Lol, no, I meant the glass catfish :)
I'm sure you don't have a problem, but a water test will just put my mind (and yours, I'm sure!) at rest :)
To get the most out of the catfish and prevent them pining away, you will need something 10+ of them and not one of these typical "6+" groups talked about for social fish. They do not do well at all in small numbers, just like my Pareutropius mandevillei from Africa, of which I have 21.
Hi I'm back again!
Ok my 7 of them neons haven't moved out of the corner. Got my water checked and all seems ok
Someone suggest I might need to make the school of tetras larger. What you lot think?

With all small shoalers, like neons, the more the merrier, as long as you've got room in your tank.
I built my shoal of false neons up, half a dozen at a time, over a few weeks, and I noticed a big difference in their behaviour once I got past the dozen mark.
Appreciate the quick response! Better get my back side to pets at home and get some more. Thanks again!
You're very welcome :)

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