Neon And Pristella Tetra Information?

Jan 6, 2013
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Soon I'm going to be getting 8 neon tetras and 6 pristella tetra for a 160L tank, I've done a lot of reading about them but I would still like as much as I can get.
My main questions are:
What would be the ideal temperature for them? (Celcius please)
What sort of food do they prefer?
Do they like much filter flow?
Are the numbers good?
What would be a good pH level for them?

Any other information would be muchly appreciated!
Thank you in advance! :D
I don't know about Pristellas but the care would be similar to neons I'd think.
Here's the answers to your questions:
What would be the ideal temperature for them? (Celcius please)
I keep mine at 24-25.degrees
What sort of food do they prefer?
They'll eat anything but I feed mine tropical granules. I find that the floating flakes makes my tetras' tails float as they must take in a lot of air when eating them.
Do they like much filter flow?
They don't mind.
Are the numbers good?
What numbers? The shoal sizes? I think that you should get 8 Pristellas instead of 6.
What would be a good pH level for them? Mine is at 6.5 and they're happy in that. People keep them in ph 8 and they still thrive so I wouldn't say ph is a major factor for neons.
Thanks for the info!
I'm not sure about upping the pristellas as with my current stocking list I have 41" of fish for a 42 gallon tank, does it matter for these type of fish if I go over? I could possibly get another tank the next size up (2 more gallons/7 more litres) which I could change my order too although I'm not sure if the LFS stocks them, I've only seen it online but I could ask about it next time I'm there.
So if I did get the extra 2 gallons of tank that's 2 more inches, but pristella's grow to 2" so that would make it 1" over, would 1 inch really matter? As far as I'm aware the fish in my stocking list aren't overly messy eaters so would 1 inch matter?
It should be fine if your water changing and filtration are adequate.
Okay, the filtration is just the one that comes with the tank which I know is a three stage, that's about all I know about it but if you want to see more about it then look at some of my other posts that have a link in them! :D

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