Kia Ora
Soon I'm going to be getting 8 neon tetras and 6 pristella tetra for a 160L tank, I've done a lot of reading about them but I would still like as much as I can get.
My main questions are:
What would be the ideal temperature for them? (Celcius please)
What sort of food do they prefer?
Do they like much filter flow?
Are the numbers good?
What would be a good pH level for them?
Any other information would be muchly appreciated!
Thank you in advance!
Soon I'm going to be getting 8 neon tetras and 6 pristella tetra for a 160L tank, I've done a lot of reading about them but I would still like as much as I can get.
My main questions are:
What would be the ideal temperature for them? (Celcius please)
What sort of food do they prefer?
Do they like much filter flow?
Are the numbers good?
What would be a good pH level for them?
Any other information would be muchly appreciated!
Thank you in advance!