Need Help With Scaping A Tall Tank

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Nov 19, 2012
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Ok I need help with this tank, its 4ft wide 2ft tall and 18'' deep. Its a pita to scape, im wanting to go fully planted but before that I want to build some height with rocks and wood etc.
This is what I have managed to do so far, but it still not right......

Im aiming to get something as complex as this......
It's not complex. Just insanely high tech, CO2 and High lighting over a long time to get that kind of growth and colour. It's mostly just weeping moss/xmas moss I think.. Some java fern and a few other things.
I have 4 39w t5 bulbs, plant pro and 3 other types of bulb cant think what they are atm. ive got about 2wpg and also running a co2 system.
This tank is just a pita to scape, ive tried so many ways of building it up but nothing gets decent height.
For me the wood looks too stark. It's trying to be a mangrove type root but the base where it enters the sand doesn't work for me.
If you're going with that, bury the bottom of it amongst plants or rocks (or both).
It also creates a slightly unusual focal point, probably too tall to make the triangle look that you get in the picture you've posted. Personally I'd probably lean it over to the left and move the rocks from the left to the right, creating a root jutting out from some rocks and an area of open space as a contrast (which you can fill with carpets).
The other big difference with the other tank and yours is the sheer quantity of plants, not lots of types, just lots of a few types. As techen says, that's mainly mosses, java ferns and probably bolbitis.
DrRob said:
For me the wood looks too stark. It's trying to be a mangrove type root but the base where it enters the sand doesn't work for me.
If you're going with that, bury the bottom of it amongst plants or rocks (or both).
It also creates a slightly unusual focal point, probably too tall to make the triangle look that you get in the picture you've posted. Personally I'd probably lean it over to the left and move the rocks from the left to the right, creating a root jutting out from some rocks and an area of open space as a contrast (which you can fill with carpets).
The other big difference with the other tank and yours is the sheer quantity of plants, not lots of types, just lots of a few types. As techen says, that's mainly mosses, java ferns and probably bolbitis.
The wood has been chopped so it sits flat top and bottom so it cant really be moved angle wise or anything.. it can go more left or more right lol.
I kinda have an idea of what your saying todo, il have a little rescape later and upload a pic to see if its like you mean.
I have minimum plants atm due to wanting to get the hardscape done first, I have about 250 300 java fern stems in another tank that im growing abit to add to this tank (there like 1" tall atm)
Also waiting on a delivery of some giant vallis and hairgrass.
Do you know how I could make a java bush? ive bunched loads of java fern together but it started to die and looked shocking.
I've also got a 2' tall tank and I completely agree with you that its a pain to scape, but with the right wood bits and a little time its possible. Took me a few months to be happy with the scape in my tank and there are still changes that I'd like to make but am currently unable to make due to my main plant source is resetting up shop after a fire. But so far I'm liking it and have only made a change or two in a few months. Here is mine, hopefully you can get a few ideas.
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I actually ended up staying with the scape ive got there, but placed lots of plants in there and removed some stones.

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