Need Help Choosing Gravel


Fish Fanatic
Sep 12, 2012
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I made a huge mistake purchasing the following gravel when I bought my 29gallon aquarium:

made my water very cloudy and apparently I am not the only one according to the reviews.

Can anyone recommend me good gravel that will not make my water cloudy and its paint won't wear off.
I was thinking about this one but I am unsure:

thanks in advance
A lot of it it personal preference when dealing with this kind of gravel. Personally I like this rather than the brightly colored because I like a more natural look.
How about the following gravel?:
As tcamos says, the colour is down to personal preference. One thing to bear in mind is that the gravel in your last post looks like they might have sharp pieces in them. This is fine if unless you want fish like loaches or corydoras. These fish need smooth gravel or sand as sharp pieces can cut their mouths.
Why not sand :rolleyes: Black or white...

It looks a lot better, a lot easier to clean and it's better for most types of fish as well. I personally don't like coloured gravel at all. It looks horrible in a tank, especially if you are going to put natural plants too.
I use fine black gravel. Looks natural, looks great in a planted tank.

Darker gravel apparently can also bring out the colour of the fish more..
It's all about personal preference. It might have made your water cloudy because you didn't wash it properly? Keep in mind that you must clean gravel numerous times before putting it in your tank.

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