Nano aquarium fish store?


New Member
Dec 21, 2014
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Do you think there would be a need for an all nano fish store (fish that are adult size under 2-2.5")? Would that be possible, the rack tanks could be like 20 or 30 gallons with some smaller displays with appropriate sized fish and maybe one big 40-50 gallon biotope?

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depends on location. But personally no I would not visit a strictly nano fish store / aquascaping store. In business terms imo it wouldn't make it *depends on location* due to the current market, as well as supply and demand. Would maybe be a nice sight seeker but, not an open place to purchase things at.
You could specialize in breeding nano fish and sell them online. I've seen a bunch of nano fish/shrimp stores that seem to be doing well.
Online sales involving fish and plants; unless its done on forums for RAOK or BUY/SELL threads, is also if not even more, a harder market. Websites/places such as ADA,AFA,ALA,AGA,Rachel o' leary, GMC, (this isn't even a full list of online vendors) have good prices for their quality of goods. Competition online would be extremely difficult if you weren't already well known and has a lot of paid advertising on popular websites.
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Okay I was just curious, we have to do a project for my business class and I'm doing I pet store and was trying to think about what to specialize in. Maybe like aquatic and semi aquatic animals?

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I have to design a layout but don't know where to put the overstock, quarantine, bathroom or break room. Any help on laying out a fish store?

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You could do the semi aquatic/aquatic store, or a general pet store.
Quarantine definitely needs to be out of sight, in case a shipment brings in really sick fish. That would drive customers away pretty quickly. Overstock could be in the back as well, to keep things from looking overcrowded, but if you organize tanks well and spread fish out that may not be a problem. Bathroom, visible and off to the side? I'm not sure of the function of a break room, sorry.
Is your teacher making you plan finances and budget as well?
Here is the base logo, I still don't know if I want it to be "board walk aquatics" or "board walk Tropicals". My colors are silver grey, teal/aqua and orange.

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Livestock isn't very profitable - most retailers rely on dry goods to drive profits.
Okay, I am going to have fresh, salt and container ponds with an aquarium maintenance service/ aquarium setup. Down the road it might have geckos and frogs too

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Also I might do this later in life, this is for a school project as of now

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