Mystery Death


Mostly New Member
Oct 21, 2013
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We are my new to fish keeping but have switched from African cichlids to more unusual fish. We have a 230 gal tank with 3 balas, 2 pictus catfish, an eclipse catfish, a golden nugget pleco, a peacock eel and a bichir. Sunday night we fed and turned out the lights and our eel shot out of his cave and started swimming in zig zags and circles and upside down. We fished him out ad put him in our 35 gl hospital tank where we just have plants. We knew he may not make it until the next day but we didn't have anything to treat him. He was dead by morning. Monday morning our bichir was also dead. He was fine the night before ate well was hunting and swimming. We think maybe a virus but don't want to lose any more fish. Any help would be great. Water conditions as of Mon morning. Nitrate 0, nitrite 0.5, alkalinity 180, PH 7.5, ammonia 0.25 (already treated).
you state: "already treated"---how did you treat the higher than ideal levels?    perhaps a partial water change is needed
We did a partial tonight. Hopefully tomorrow it should be back to normal
The ammonia and nitrite should be at 0.
Is your tank cycled?
Was there anything unusual visible on them?
With 0 nitrate, it looks like you are either beginning a fish-in cycle or are experiencing a mini-cycle. Do a large water change (75%), and then test again. Blondie has a link to the cycling guide in signature. Take a look at that if you haven't cycled anything before.
the tank has been up and running for several months now and was filled with the water from our previous tank. Like I stated I'm not new to fish keeping just new to these kinds of fish.  I checked the water again this morning. Nitrates again 0, Nitrites back to 0 and ammonia is less than .10  I will be checking it again tonight at the 24 hour mark since we did the partial water change yesterday evening.  We just don't want to lose any more fish.   
Well the levels tonight are improving after last nights water change.  The ammonia is almost gone and the Nitrites are back at 0 and the Nitrates seem to be coming up.  I don't know why I wasn't thinking about something so simple.  I guess I was just being an overly worried fish parent. Since we spent way more on these fish than we ever did on Cichlids.  Thanks for reminding me that it might be something simple and not a crazy disease. 

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