So i have two aquariums, one is very tiny, like only 10 litres that i keep for my cherry shrimps. There are only 5 inside with 2 christmas moss patches for them to graze on. I also do feed them one shrimp pellet every other day. Mt other tank is a 30 or 36 litre tank (not really sure) with 6 neons, an amano shrimp, and two otos. Ammonia, Nitrites, and Nitrates are pretty much 0 on both tanks. (I've got my filtration system covered) I also have quite a few plants in my 30 litre tank, so that what makes the three harmful substances 0. I test my GH and pH from time to time, but i keep getting puzzled by the differences between the two tanks. My small shrimp tank read 5.5-iss for pH and very little in GH. My other tank with neons in them read a pH of 7.6-7.7 while the GH was about twice as much as my smaller tank.(in the medium hard range) I do use the same water so don't worry about that.
The only difference between the two tanks is that a have white sand and a rock in my neon tank...could this be the cause?
PS: I added a pebble of mineral salt in the shrimp tank to increase the pH and GH...cuz i heard RCS likes slightly salty water (Is this true?) Also i really want to make my two tanks equal in pH and GH cuz i was hoping my shrimps would have babies and i could move it to the neon tank but i'm scared of the pH shock especially. (I heard thats what easily kills RCS)
PSS: I also added i few stone pebbles in my shrimp tank hoping this would increase my pH and GH...any thoughts on increasing my pH and GH slightly without buying anything?
PSSS: Recently in my neon tank my cherry shrimps died, i originally had 6. I have one left. And everytime my amano would be quick to devour their corpses. i really want to know why they died. Since i have a small tank, i could think of three reasons why they died.. 1.) A molting issue; where there's too little space for them to safely molt, and would eventually die from a smaller shell. 2.) The amano shrimp bullies(?) the shrimps so they can't molt, or maybe just cannibalism. 3.) A small tank = pH spikes?....i heard cherry shrimps would die from spikes, but not neons, or fish in general. Can anyone enlighten me on this as to why they're dieing?
I realize its sort of a specific question, but i really want to know every single thing about my tank. A hobby i love that borders obsession and insanity. lol
The only difference between the two tanks is that a have white sand and a rock in my neon tank...could this be the cause?
PS: I added a pebble of mineral salt in the shrimp tank to increase the pH and GH...cuz i heard RCS likes slightly salty water (Is this true?) Also i really want to make my two tanks equal in pH and GH cuz i was hoping my shrimps would have babies and i could move it to the neon tank but i'm scared of the pH shock especially. (I heard thats what easily kills RCS)
PSS: I also added i few stone pebbles in my shrimp tank hoping this would increase my pH and GH...any thoughts on increasing my pH and GH slightly without buying anything?
PSSS: Recently in my neon tank my cherry shrimps died, i originally had 6. I have one left. And everytime my amano would be quick to devour their corpses. i really want to know why they died. Since i have a small tank, i could think of three reasons why they died.. 1.) A molting issue; where there's too little space for them to safely molt, and would eventually die from a smaller shell. 2.) The amano shrimp bullies(?) the shrimps so they can't molt, or maybe just cannibalism. 3.) A small tank = pH spikes?....i heard cherry shrimps would die from spikes, but not neons, or fish in general. Can anyone enlighten me on this as to why they're dieing?
I realize its sort of a specific question, but i really want to know every single thing about my tank. A hobby i love that borders obsession and insanity. lol