My New Pretty


Fish Fanatic
Jun 12, 2013
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Hey guys, i just wanted to share with you all my new pretty i got today.

I have been looking for one like this for ages, and i picked her up for only $25
At the moment she is about 3 inches long.
She is in a 100ltr (22g UK) at the moment but will be moved to a bigger tank when i sell my other two oscars. 
Before anyone asks (if they were going to) i am selling my original 2 oscars as my albino hasnt turned out how i wanted, when i got her she was completely white with a small orange spot on her tail. but as she got older, within 3 weeks her fins stated to go really dark in color and her body went like a pink spotty colour. her color began to change at about 1.5 inches If people would like i can put up a pic of her, and my other oscar, when i bought him i was told he was an red tiger oscar, but as he got older i noticed that he was just a plain oscar,
I am getting a red tiger oscar again soon and i know it isnt a normal because their marking are so much different then when i got the one i have now.
Wow, stunning.
Thats a real great photo too. Really emphasises the colour with that blueish light. You must be very happy!

I couldnt be more happy with her :D
I have no idea of the sex, i just say her becasue she has what looks to me female characteristics... if you know what i mean lol
The trouble with oscars is they do change their colouration as they get older, my Rusty was black when I first got him with a couple of tiny red spots, now he has large patches, and Chops has even more red. She is a beauty, she looks like she could be a long fin from the size of her tail. Going on how  sex oscars she looks female to me.
I just hope you manage to find a good home for the other two :)
Yeah same here, I wouldnt mind if she does get ome red, or orange being albino, i just want her to stay that nice vibrant white :D 

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