So... I decided to get me a Golden Nugget Pleco today at the LFS after seeing how gorgeous they are. He is roughly an inch and a half in size at the moment but by the time he has grown, I should have finished my 260L cabinet and tank and will be moved there.
Upon putting him in the tank, I noticed a single fry on my plants. I have no idea what sort of fry it is. At first I thought it was Guppy, but looking at pictures online, it could be a Platy fry. I knew my Guppies were pregnant when I got them 7 weeks ago and I thought they had refused to give birth and absorbed them so I was not expecting this. I got the Platy's at the same time as well but they didn't seem pregnant. I am pretty sure all the fish in my tank are female except the Betta that I rescued.
Is it safe for me to hunt these fry down and stick them in the in-tank breeder I have in a cupboard somewhere or should I leave them in the heavily planted corner they are hanging about in? The planted corner is semi-blocking the internal filter and I am worried that they may get a bit close to it.
Once the GN Pleco has settled in and I can turn the lights on (currently in a bag from the LFS getting adjusted), I'l try and get pics of the fry and see if any of you guys can identify it. I am only seeing one fry and he/she seems to be hiding in one of my Hornworts.
Thanks in advance
Upon putting him in the tank, I noticed a single fry on my plants. I have no idea what sort of fry it is. At first I thought it was Guppy, but looking at pictures online, it could be a Platy fry. I knew my Guppies were pregnant when I got them 7 weeks ago and I thought they had refused to give birth and absorbed them so I was not expecting this. I got the Platy's at the same time as well but they didn't seem pregnant. I am pretty sure all the fish in my tank are female except the Betta that I rescued.
Is it safe for me to hunt these fry down and stick them in the in-tank breeder I have in a cupboard somewhere or should I leave them in the heavily planted corner they are hanging about in? The planted corner is semi-blocking the internal filter and I am worried that they may get a bit close to it.
Once the GN Pleco has settled in and I can turn the lights on (currently in a bag from the LFS getting adjusted), I'l try and get pics of the fry and see if any of you guys can identify it. I am only seeing one fry and he/she seems to be hiding in one of my Hornworts.
Thanks in advance