My Latest Addition Turned Out To Be Addition(S)


Mostly New Member
Sep 13, 2013
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So... I decided to get me a Golden Nugget Pleco today at the LFS after seeing how gorgeous they are. He is roughly an inch and a half in size at the moment but by the time he has grown, I should have finished my 260L cabinet and tank and will be moved there.
Upon putting him in the tank, I noticed a single fry on my plants. I have no idea what sort of fry it is. At first I thought it was Guppy, but looking at pictures online, it could be a Platy fry. I knew my Guppies were pregnant when I got them 7 weeks ago and I thought they had refused to give birth and absorbed them so I was not expecting this. I got the Platy's at the same time as well but they didn't seem pregnant. I am pretty sure all the fish in my tank are female except the Betta that I rescued.
Is it safe for me to hunt these fry down and stick them in the in-tank breeder I have in a cupboard somewhere or should I leave them in the heavily planted corner they are hanging about in? The planted corner is semi-blocking the internal filter and I am worried that they may get a bit close to it.
Once the GN Pleco has settled in and I can turn the lights on (currently in a bag from the LFS getting adjusted), I'l try and get pics of the fry and see if any of you guys can identify it. I am only seeing one fry and he/she seems to be hiding in one of my Hornworts.
Thanks in advance
I leave all my fry to fend for themselves in my heavily planted tank.  A lot survive but some don't and I'm always finding dead (and occasionally alive) fry inside my internal filter on a weekly basis, so it's a risk.  It depends how much you want them to live.  Hiding in plants is typical of platy fry behaviour but a pic will help.
Thank you for your reply. After using some Goole-Fu, I have realised that my Sunset Platy is now a male, so that explains where this fry came from. I never looked up on how to sex fish as I got these from the 'female' tank at the LFS.
I was going to put the female Platy in the breeder box but from what I have read, its not wise once the births have started so I will just let her give birth in the plants. The fry have alot of places to hide and one nice one that no other fish can squeeze into so they should be able to fend for themselves.
I had the same problem when I bought some female platies and one of them turned out to be a late developing male.  There will always be a few masquerading males hanging out in the female tanks :)  Some males develop early and put all their energy into chasing females, others put more energy into growth first.
Both guppies and platies will store sperm for up to six months from the last male they mated with so there's no guarantee your guppies aren't pregnant either.

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