I'm currently 4 days into my fishless cycle in my biorb life 45 litre tank. I've been researching a lot but still have a couple of questions.
I got a couple of small sachets with it but thought the Tetra AquaSafe was to be added AFTER the Tetra SafeStart.
I also bought a bottle of both products and the next day added a good amount (about 40ml) of SafeStart.
So basically....
Day 1 - set up tank, put water in, ceramic media and put intelligent heater in which is set to 24.5 degrees and also turned on filter. THEN ADDED SACHET OF SAFESTART
Day 2 - added biorb pebbles that arrived in post and later put in sachet of AquaSafe.
Day 3 - put 40ml or so of SafeStart and some fish food
Haven't done any water changes, have read that I shouldn't until spike of nitrites?
Should I keep putting in fish food and if so how often?
Can I use any more SafeStart or AquaSafe or would that be useless?
I'm going to local fish store tomorrow to get a water testing kit, rock and possibly driftwood. Should I put either of these in while doing the cycle?
I'm also considering a couple of plants, at what stage would I introduce these?
I got a couple of small sachets with it but thought the Tetra AquaSafe was to be added AFTER the Tetra SafeStart.
I also bought a bottle of both products and the next day added a good amount (about 40ml) of SafeStart.
So basically....
Day 1 - set up tank, put water in, ceramic media and put intelligent heater in which is set to 24.5 degrees and also turned on filter. THEN ADDED SACHET OF SAFESTART
Day 2 - added biorb pebbles that arrived in post and later put in sachet of AquaSafe.
Day 3 - put 40ml or so of SafeStart and some fish food
Haven't done any water changes, have read that I shouldn't until spike of nitrites?
Should I keep putting in fish food and if so how often?
Can I use any more SafeStart or AquaSafe or would that be useless?
I'm going to local fish store tomorrow to get a water testing kit, rock and possibly driftwood. Should I put either of these in while doing the cycle?
I'm also considering a couple of plants, at what stage would I introduce these?