My fish keep dieing


Fish Fanatic
May 5, 2004
Reaction score
Kent, England
My fish in my 27ukg tank keep dieing but I don't know why.

The water quality is fine (confirmed by LFS). The tank has been up and running for 3 months.
They all seem to of started dieing when I introdued a poorly gourami (didnt know at the time). He died 3 days later after buying with what looked like a swelling under his mouth. The LFS replaced him with another, and that got pop eye the next day! I took this one back and got another.
This one lasted a bit longer but it had 2 small lumps (one either side of it's mouth) and I put this down to him continually moving up and down the glass. He eventually died with a swelling under his mouth.

Now I am loosing about a fish a day for the last week, but they don't really show any signs of illness. I have been treating the tank with Melafix since Saturday and fish are still dieing. At the moment my other tank seems to be ok.
My L015 plec died a day ago and looked like he had lots of re marks on his body (no signs of this until he died).

I really don't know what to do now.

Something that I did notice the other day was small work like things wriggling on the glass. Could this be Flexibacter?

If you have only tried to treat with melafix that won't be enough. Melafix is really only any good for healing sores and wounds etc. Its no good on anything bacterial. And by the sounds of the gourami thing I would go with bacterial. I lost a gourami after 3 months of him being fine when I intruduced a poorly guppy. Like you didn't know, It was hard to see in the bag and only realised when it had been in the tank about an hour. My gourami died about 4 days later after 3 of the female guppys had died. He had the same symptoms as yours. swollen mouth etc.. also very stringy poo. Goramies are prone to internal bacteria problems, so I have been reading on here. The Dwarf gourami being the worst. Then about a week after the deaths my other gourami started looking sluggish, stringy poo lossing his colour. So i posted on here and was told to use a bacterial treatment. Which I did and now he's doing fine :) Seems back to his old self but a little more shy as hes missing his Bossey Mrs :/

I used the Interpet one, mainly cos I use there other stuff and it can all be used at the same time. Plus its real easy to get hold of. I also used melafix for 3 days as a bit of a tonic while the other treatment was in. All my fish are doing fine now so I must of caught it early. Which learning from my own mistakes seems to be the key.

I also now quarentine anything that comes in new. That way I can check it out and treat if needed. I have had nothing but trouble with live bearers. Loosing 4 female guppies and now a male and female platy. They never live more than a few days. Of bringing them home. All my water quality is great and the new 8.5 gallon issolation tank is a new set up so It can't be the water thats at issue. My Ph is now down 7.8 and the shop is 7.6 so thats OK. They are always placed in a large jug in the bag and tank water added over the period of an hour, then floated for a further 20 mins before letting into the tank with no light on for 12 hours. So it can't be that either. I'm thinking that maybe it could be where I'm getting my fish from.
My first 12 fish came from Pets at home and I never lost one even as the tank was new and cycling. But the livebears have been from another specialist shop.
He keees his in trickle fed tanks rather than static cyled ones, which means they are always in really clean water conditions. So I have found another more local shop that keeps his in cyled tanks. My hope is that with all the meds I have now -_- Cos I bought almost everything on the shelf!! ;) I should be able to treat a.s.a.p. and not loose anymore. But I'm not holdong my :lol:

So your not on your own, maybe its bloody bad luck You've picked something up and it has to run its course. Try the bacterial treatment you've got nothing to loose and its a handy thing to have in , cos most fish seems to get poorly on a staurday when theres no shops open till monday ;)
Thanks for that. (I haven't forgotton to send you the piggy pictures, just been trying to fix my fish).

Can you use the interpet bacterial treatment with melafix?

I thought that melafix was supposed to be anti-bacterial or is it only a weak medication?

Thanks again


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