My Fish Are Dying


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Dec 7, 2015
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I am setting up a quarantine tank to treat sick fish and for new admits to ensure their health before adding them to my main tank.  All the fish that I have added to this new tank have died within two days (see below for details).  I don't think it is "new tank" syndrome because I used water from my main in the new tank and the fish in the main tank are fine. 

Tank size: 10 Gal
pH: 8.0
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 0
kH: ?
gH: ?
tank temp: 76(in the green area of the thermometer)

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):
Fish stay around the bottom of the tank, their color seems dull

Volume and Frequency of water changes:
New setup with water from established and flourshing tank

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:
No chemicals, I have a heater, a piece of live rock, and a thermometer

Tank inhabitants:
The following fish were added to the tank one after the other after the deaths:
Clownfish (died overnight)
Clownfish (died in under 48 hours)
Domino or Black Damsel (within 24 hours)

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):
Everything its a new setup

Exposure to chemicals:
None that I'm aware of
Were those readings taken from the established tank, or from the quarantine tank after the fish deaths? Although you've used water from the established tank, you don't appear to have taken any bacteria or filter media from the established tank. However, the lack of bacteria would mean that you would see an ammonia reading, hence my question.
the_lock_man said:
Were those readings taken from the established tank, or from the quarantine tank after the fish deaths? Although you've used water from the established tank, you don't appear to have taken any bacteria or filter media from the established tank. However, the lack of bacteria would mean that you would see an ammonia reading, hence my question.
These readings are from the quarantine tank with water from the established tank.  After the second clown died, I drained and rinsed the entire contents of the tank: tank, filter, media in the filter, heater, thermometer, and the live rock.  Everything got rinsed off.  Then I set the tank back up and tested the water.  The results are from that test.
I see this thread is under Freshwater & Brackish, but the fish mentioned are marine are they not?  Don't know if this may make a difference to advice... ??
I hadn't noticed that Byron! Well spotted!
I'll bow out as I know nothing about marine

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