Hey guys, hope you all had an awesome festive season !!
I'm writing this post because I just got my first aquarium "Kit" as a gift. Being how I am, instead of just diving in and throwing some water and fish in there I decided to first research the whole aquarium thing and see whats its all about. BOY AM I GLAD I DID THAT !! Turns out there's actually a whole lot of things to consider when setting up an aquarium.
I've basically decided that I definitely want a tropical tank to start off. At the moment this is what I've got to start off with, and would like to know what else I should look at and consider:
I've got a 50 liter tank,
An Internal platform filter which uses some form of carbon(Charcoal),
An air pump with added air stone.
And some gravel.
I'm now looking to add a heater (Don't know which one or how big will be suitable for the tank) and some lighting before starting to assemble the tank.
So far I've decided that a combination of the following fish would be awesome, but I don't know how many of which the tank can sustain or whether these fish would actually work together :
* Neon Tetras
* Guppies
* Dwarf Puffer fish
* Dario Dario
* Algae Eater
Is there any other fish I should/can consider and how many of each would be ideal ? Also what else would I require for my tank setup and which fish should I introduce first after cycling the tank ?
Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.
I'm writing this post because I just got my first aquarium "Kit" as a gift. Being how I am, instead of just diving in and throwing some water and fish in there I decided to first research the whole aquarium thing and see whats its all about. BOY AM I GLAD I DID THAT !! Turns out there's actually a whole lot of things to consider when setting up an aquarium.
I've basically decided that I definitely want a tropical tank to start off. At the moment this is what I've got to start off with, and would like to know what else I should look at and consider:
I've got a 50 liter tank,
An Internal platform filter which uses some form of carbon(Charcoal),
An air pump with added air stone.
And some gravel.
I'm now looking to add a heater (Don't know which one or how big will be suitable for the tank) and some lighting before starting to assemble the tank.
So far I've decided that a combination of the following fish would be awesome, but I don't know how many of which the tank can sustain or whether these fish would actually work together :
* Neon Tetras
* Guppies
* Dwarf Puffer fish
* Dario Dario
* Algae Eater
Is there any other fish I should/can consider and how many of each would be ideal ? Also what else would I require for my tank setup and which fish should I introduce first after cycling the tank ?
Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.