My First Dwarf Gourami :)


Fish Addict
Nov 28, 2011
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brought myself a dwarf gourami a couple of days a go, was either gonna get some sparkling gourami or a dwarf i chose the dwarf as its bigger and is more of a centrepiece kind of fish :) i was tampering with the filter on my juwel lido as the flow was quite powerful and my gourami was just hanging around in one corner of the tank and would occasionaly come out only to be pushed around by the flow so i tied a fine filter wool pad loosly over the outlet to lessen the flow so it wasnt too powerful for him, seems to have done the trick :) because he comes out and about a bit more now although he is still a little shy, and spends a lot of time looking at his own reflection in the back of the tank lol :) but he seems to be settling in well :) i will post a picture when i get the chance, last time i tried he just darted off to the back of the tank :p
Congratulations on your first Gourami! The only thing I will say is that by restricting the flow you could be impacting your tank adversely. The stronger the flow the better water is circulated around your tank, so restricting it could mean problems sooner or later.
How big is your tank and what other fish have you got?
Something I will point out is that Dwarf Gourami's are luckily if they live for more than 6 months in a tank... They carry Iridovirus and although as far as I'm aware it can't be passed on, it does kill them early.
lunar jetman- i have been thinking about that, we'll see how it goes, problem is most of the fish i like seem to prefer slow or still waters but the flow in my tank is most powerful i've had on a filter, and the thing that irritates me is it cant be ajusted :( my tank is 120 liters and is home to 13 harlequin rasbora and 5 asian stone catfish as well as the DG :)

-paradise<3- is that the infamous dwarf gourami disease i've been hearing about then ? 6 months is a short time really and he's a very nice looking fish :)
kylealastairlove said:
-paradise<3- is that the infamous dwarf gourami disease i've been hearing about then ? 6 months is a short time really and he's a very nice looking fish
Yup it is. And 6 months is a very short time compared to what they used to live to :(
Your old Gourami seems to be happy with the flow in the tank or is this a different tank? Did your new one just need a bit longer to settle down?
Lunar Jetman said:
Your old Gourami seems to be happy with the flow in the tank or is this a different tank? Did your new one just need a bit longer to settle down?
Different person ;)
I have a dwarf gourami [currently with tumors I think...] in a planted community tank with quite a lot of flow and the gourami is always zipping back and forth.  When he gets tired he will hide in the corner for a bit.  And sometimes he swims right into the outjets and gets pushed back.  But will keep at it so it seems as though he's enjoying himself. So I would not worry about the amount of flow.  It will probably be fine and be more active as it settles in.
Congrats on the new gourami! They are honestly one of my favorite fish :D
I've had my dwarf boys for 7 months, and just recently heard about the iridovirus :( They are still fine and normal, not a thing wrong with them thankfully. Maybe I have a super pair! 

I think yours will adjust to the water flow, just give him some time and he'll be alright.
thanks guys, he seems to be settling in well :) i decided to take the sponge off of the filter outlet so the flow was strong enough to have good circulation as i didnt wanna mess up my tank, he seems happy enough sometimes he will swim up and check out the flow other times he will hide away in the plants but most of the time he's out and about at the front of the tank, however he is still shy, if i go close to the tank he will dart straight to the back :p

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