Hi i am new to this forum and thought i would like to share my new project. First a little bit about myself, I set up a simple community aquarium roughly 3 years ago for my young daughter, its a 150 ltr tank with fake plants and bright gravel, (something simple and easy to maintain as it was my first ever tropical aquarium). This tank is doing great, it has a mating pair of bristlenose catfish and 4 of their young, 6 x-ray tetras that spawn quite frequently, 1 silvertip tetra and 1 zebra danio (these are 2 of my fish left from when i first started the tank) and a pair of gold koi angelfish that are also spawning frequently. So after taking care of this aquarium for a couple of years, i decided that i wanted to take this hobby a bit further, and did some reading on takashi amano and fell in love with his iwaqumi aquascapes, and so a new project started.
I bought myself an aquanano 40 55ltr aquarium. This is what i have so far (will update regularly)
side view:
This was the best hardscape i could create with the limited amount of room.
The plan so far is for HC (baby dwarf tears) carpet, some dwarf hair grass for the middle and rear and a rataj (echinodorus xinguensis) to hide the co2 tubing at the back.
Co2 is provided from a fire extinguisher with a 4-1 super diffuser.
The fish i am planning to put in are either galaxy rasboras or cardinal tetras and a small colony of cherry shrimp or amano shrimp to provide algae maintenance.
Will post updates once its planted
I bought myself an aquanano 40 55ltr aquarium. This is what i have so far (will update regularly)

side view:

This was the best hardscape i could create with the limited amount of room.
The plan so far is for HC (baby dwarf tears) carpet, some dwarf hair grass for the middle and rear and a rataj (echinodorus xinguensis) to hide the co2 tubing at the back.
Co2 is provided from a fire extinguisher with a 4-1 super diffuser.
The fish i am planning to put in are either galaxy rasboras or cardinal tetras and a small colony of cherry shrimp or amano shrimp to provide algae maintenance.
Will post updates once its planted