My Dream 1000l Tank


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Chatroom Moderator
Dec 3, 2011
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Okay it is my Dream to have a 1100L tank, the dimensions i would love are 75" long 35" deep and 25" tall, i wanted to open this out to Everyone

What fish would you put in it
What plants would you put in it

what would you do with it in general

I for one thing will have clown loaches in

unsure on the other fish haha

this i will probably never get but i can dream, and one day will do my best to get this size tank
:D sounds awesome friend! I would love a tank in a wall that divided two rooms so you could see it from both rooms :D I met a guy once who owned an aquarium and he is also a builder he told me he's building his house around his fish tank. so the fish swim in his walls!

As for what you would put in a tank that size? EVERYTHING!!!! hahaha Maybe google image tank decor ideas and see which ones you really like! mix and match them! that's what I would do!

I had a 96" x 36" x 24" (8x3x2) tank for my stingrays that never made it home to me before they died :(

I never could manage to decide what to put in the tank! It was most of the way through its cycle while I was deciding and I came home one day and my ex had put bloomin oscars in there...

In all fairness... there were 4 x 1ft long oscars dumped in ice cold water face down in a 20L bucket and they had to go into the tank. I ended up euthanising two as they had such deformed mouths but then another 3 got dumped on us. Cant win!

Beautiful tank and it got filled up with manky old oscars and plcs and synos that no one wanted. Had 1 psycho angel in there as well, a tilapia mariae and a huge stunning male Red Neck Severum called GogglyWoggly because of his massive eyes LOL

Still think the tank was wasted! Had to leave it with my ex though :(
A shoal.

Don't really mind what, but a proper shoal of something. Personally I think that would look impressive.

Or a reef, assuming that maintenance money was no object.

Oh, or a low stocking ecosystem tank. You'd still have some room for some good stock in a 1000l.
hmm yes, i would love to have my current fish that i have in my tank back, especialy topedo's a nice shoal of them probably fit around 8 to 12 in the new tank would look amazing :) some 6 to 8 loaches :) maybe more if i can not sure, and maybe angels but not sure again haha :)
10 discus and lots of cardinal tetras, heavily planted and a large piece of drift wood (would have to be huge to fit in with the tank)
yes :) i am thinking now on doing like a river seen some rocks and stones pebbles sand high tall grasses/vellas on one side amazons moss on some large pieces of wood and stuff
i'd have a load of south american cichlids ,and i quite like oscars though

aaw WOW yes the L128 pleco would look amazing i also love the golden nugget pleco too :)
I'd get a group of channa aurtanti. And hopefully get a breading pair. I had 2 before but they both died from a fungal infection
aaw WOW yes the L128 pleco would look amazing i also love the golden nugget pleco too

Indeed, GN's are stunners..... there very hard to come by as adults though but certainly worth thinking about in this sized tank :)
At my local fish aquarium they have a giant tank (must be 1000L +) and there is a giant Gourami fish in there, he's not for sale he's more the store's marketing strategy to get parents to bring their kids in to meet him.

His name is Luke and I jut love him!!!!

aaw must look nice, my LFS has the same but with about 15 loaches 2 torpedos 3 silver sharks and 2 common pleco its a bowed fronted tank huge, all fish are fully grown and looks amazing :)
A single goldfish. On the basis of whatever size tank you put your goldfish in, some joker on the forum always proclaims it to be too small. ;)

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