My Betta


New Member
Jan 8, 2013
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Currently, I have my betta in a Betta Keeper (I know it's too small to have a betta in, but this is why I want to ask this question. Bare with me.) and I was wondering if I could put him in my tank as a temporary home until I can get him something bigger. I have small (About 1 inch each so far) African Cichlids in a 36 gallon bow front aquarium. Please help. I don't want to make him stressed and I dont want to have him suffer. Sorry I put it in this section of the betta forum.
You can house him temporary, in your cichlid tank if your planning to buy the tank the next day. Even as juveniles, cichlids will very territorial, so the chances of him being left alone are pretty slim.
How many liters/gallons is your betta keeper by the way?
He'll be fine for a few days to a week or so in the 36 gallon. I kept mine with a pair of kribs and an angelfish for about 2 weeks temporarily. What size "betta keeper" do you have? If it's anything smaller than 2.5 gallons then I'd suggest you move him to the 36 gal ASAP and get him a new tank(5 gallons or more) within the next week.
My family does not have the money at the moment. I am 12, and I don't get an allowance. Here is some extra info that may of may not be needed. My Dad just thinks that if you put fish in a tank, all you need is water conditioner, food a filter and a heater and you will be good for however long we have the tank. My Mom thinks with Bettas that you will be fine if you don't do water changes, and just add water when it gets low. The truth of the matter is that if you don't do water changes, the fish will not live up to their full life expectancy and they wont be happy either. As for my Dad, what if something happened? If fins get nipped, the best thing that I've heard that repairs fins overnight is meloflex (tea tree oil). Plus if the water goes all wonky for some reason, you would possibly need ammonia controller, possibly something for nitrate. Sorry, I'm rambling.
fishguy101 said:
My family does not have the money at the moment. I am 12, and I don't get an allowance. Here is some extra info that may of may not be needed. My Dad just thinks that if you put fish in a tank, all you need is water conditioner, food a filter and a heater and you will be good for however long we have the tank. My Mom thinks with Bettas that you will be fine if you don't do water changes, and just add water when it gets low. The truth of the matter is that if you don't do water changes, the fish will not live up to their full life expectancy and they wont be happy either. As for my Dad, what if something happened? If fins get nipped, the best thing that I've heard that repairs fins overnight is meloflex (tea tree oil). Plus if the water goes all wonky for some reason, you would possibly need ammonia controller, possibly something for nitrate. Sorry, I'm rambling.
Yeah, you do need to do waterchanges or the Ammonia builds up and can kill your fish. Do you have a Heater? If so then do you have a B&M or Home Bargains near you? I can't remember which one it is but one of them(may be both) sell small tanks perfect for a betta that come with a filter for £12.99. If you don't have a heater then place the tank near, but not on!, a radiator to keep the temperature up.
You can't use Melafix with betta's apparently, I've personally never had a problem with it but some people say it blocks up the fishes gills because it's got Tea Tree Oil in.
Yeah, okay. I will put him near a radiator/vent.
fishguy101 said:
Yeah, okay. I will put him near a radiator/vent.
If you have either of those stores near you go and have a look in them and see if they sell the small 28l tanks :) They are £12.99 and come with a filter. They are perfect for a betta. You will need to get a heater for his tank when you get him a bigger one. Please try and get him a new tank ASAP, I know how money is as I myself am struggling currently but it's doing him no good to be living in the "betta keeper" that he is in.
I really wouldn't risk it. I tried this and the next day my betta's fins were completely shredded and that was just with one Cichlid! If you can't keep him in his current tank then I would try improvising until you can buy him his own tank, but I really wouldn't leave him in with Cichlids for any amount of time. x
I just found this purple/clear container in my room. Would it be toxic? I'm not sure what it's made out of. It is around 1 or 1 and a half gallon. It wont let me upload a photo.
you could try and put it in a 5 gallon bucket or something temporalily. what type of container is it?
It is plastic. I don't think it is okay for food though.

We also made an agreement to get a 10 gallon tank by Monday Or Tuesday.
do you have ome kind of divider to put in the 36g tank? until the 10 gallon comes

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