Fish Crazy
I haven't updated in a few months, but I'm very excited to say that my 55 Gallon tank is up and running, and now has fish in it!
My fishless cycle took a little over a month and a half. I did add a few sponges from my other tank, but when adding sponges from a 7 Gallon to a 55 Gallon you're limited on how much you can take. About three weeks after the cycle finished I was finally able to do a big water change to get rid of Nitrates. A few hours later I moved the nine fish from the 7 Gallon to the 55 Gallon, and they were very happy about it.
Today a friend of mine who is overrun with Guppies brought over a few for me. I asked for a male, and six females. What I got was two males, and six females, one of which is a baby, and still small enough to fit in my Gourami's mouth, or to get sucked up by the filter. Moving the baby (Pearl!) into a breeding box ASAP to keep her away from the Gourami, and the filter. Now all my beautiful Guppies are all set next I'm going to bring the number of Platys up to eight, the number I originally had. After that I'm going to add one more L444 Pleco and my stocking plan is complete!
Bad angle, I'll try to get a better one of the whole tank later.
Pretty soon I'm going to be adding a bunch of wood, and hopefully that'll help fill the empty space. I'd like to get more plants too, but I'm trying to find a store to buy them, ordering online is difficult for me, but I will if I have to.
Anyways I'm very excited as you can probably tell. Thanks to everybody who answered my questions, no matter how stupid, to help me get this tank set up!
I haven't updated in a few months, but I'm very excited to say that my 55 Gallon tank is up and running, and now has fish in it!
My fishless cycle took a little over a month and a half. I did add a few sponges from my other tank, but when adding sponges from a 7 Gallon to a 55 Gallon you're limited on how much you can take. About three weeks after the cycle finished I was finally able to do a big water change to get rid of Nitrates. A few hours later I moved the nine fish from the 7 Gallon to the 55 Gallon, and they were very happy about it.
Today a friend of mine who is overrun with Guppies brought over a few for me. I asked for a male, and six females. What I got was two males, and six females, one of which is a baby, and still small enough to fit in my Gourami's mouth, or to get sucked up by the filter. Moving the baby (Pearl!) into a breeding box ASAP to keep her away from the Gourami, and the filter. Now all my beautiful Guppies are all set next I'm going to bring the number of Platys up to eight, the number I originally had. After that I'm going to add one more L444 Pleco and my stocking plan is complete!
Bad angle, I'll try to get a better one of the whole tank later.
Pretty soon I'm going to be adding a bunch of wood, and hopefully that'll help fill the empty space. I'd like to get more plants too, but I'm trying to find a store to buy them, ordering online is difficult for me, but I will if I have to.
Anyways I'm very excited as you can probably tell. Thanks to everybody who answered my questions, no matter how stupid, to help me get this tank set up!