My 160L Planted Tank


Fish Fanatic
Feb 11, 2012
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I'm starting this as much to keep an eye on what I've done as anything... but need major advice along the way. My tank is 3ft wide with a volume of 160L and an internal filter rated at 1000L/h and 2x40w bulbs.

My current stock is mostly made from cherry shrimp, algie shrimp, "mts", assassin snails. I also have some sharks which are going within the next months.

I plan to have a shoal of 10+ of something small. And something else somewhere I guesse! I have a pH of 7

I have tall plants at the back which i don't know the name of (pics to follow with pc access),a lump of wood and play sand.
I hope to add moss and/or a particular type of carpeting plant I have spotted online but can't recall the name of (sounding like a broken record here....). And some red and some purple plants tommorrow, for mid and background.
I'm starting this as much to keep an eye on what I've done as anything... but need major advice along the way. My tank is 3ft wide with a volume of 160L and an internal filter rated at 1000L/h and 2x40w bulbs.

My current stock is mostly made from cherry shrimp, algie shrimp, "mts", assassin snails. I also have some sharks which are going within the next months.

I plan to have a shoal of 10+ of something small. And something else somewhere I guesse! I have a pH of 7

I have tall plants at the back which i don't know the name of (pics to follow with pc access),a lump of wood and play sand.
I hope to add moss and/or a particular type of carpeting plant I have spotted online but can't recall the name of (sounding like a broken record here....). And some red and some purple plants tommorrow, for mid and background.

purple?? what are those plants called???
I'm starting this as much to keep an eye on what I've done as anything... but need major advice along the way. My tank is 3ft wide with a volume of 160L and an internal filter rated at 1000L/h and 2x40w bulbs.

My current stock is mostly made from cherry shrimp, algie shrimp, "mts", assassin snails. I also have some sharks which are going within the next months.

I plan to have a shoal of 10+ of something small. And something else somewhere I guesse! I have a pH of 7

I have tall plants at the back which i don't know the name of (pics to follow with pc access),a lump of wood and play sand.
I hope to add moss and/or a particular type of carpeting plant I have spotted online but can't recall the name of (sounding like a broken record here....). And some red and some purple plants tommorrow, for mid and background.

purple?? what are those plants called???

Probably a Echinodorus Red Rubin, I have one of those and the new leaves are red & the old leaves are purplish, like a wine color.
I should be visiting the shop tommorrow. It's quite well regarded on here from what Ive read. they where a very dark purple colour from what I remember. Medium size, long and possibly wavey leaves.

The colour may have been mostly on the underside now I'm thinking back.... I hope to find out.

My friend back home has a co2 cylinders which I plan to use once funds allow for the extras required.
Some rushed pictures!






The horrible pink thing is very temporary.....
It's a 50p basket which I thought may give the little shrimp some extra cover. Apparently I was wrong and It will be out tonight
Your tall plants at the back are Cambomba, a great plant, fast growing & easy to look after.

For your school in the future how about cardinal tetras or maybe rummy nosed tetras?

Thanks for the plant I.d. it seems ok, I don't like the look of them that much but they grow fast . I trimmed them all about halfway down and planted the tops... I presume this won't be effective? maybe ill take it back to one bunch as I add more variety.

No plants today unfortunatly, things with the kids took over!

I quite fancy cardinal tetras, I used to have about five neon tetras and always wanted more.... they seem to get pricey when you consider buying 20 :lol:
Thanks for the plant I.d. it seems ok, I don't like the look of them that much but they grow fast . I trimmed them all about halfway down and planted the tops... I presume this won't be effective? maybe ill take it back to one bunch as I add more variety.

Yes it will, the cloning of Cambomba is really easy. Also it wil start to send out its own runners soon & little baby plants will appear.

That's good, before I added the balls of fertilizer to the roots and trimmed. them some had what looked like roots draping off them along the stems

I have just noticed a rapid growth of algie, so plan to get some liquid carbon which I think will help as my plants will soak up the nutrients which the algie needs?

Will also take a few days off from feeding the fish
Its been a while since an update. Changes inc:

Cuttings of stem plants recieved as a donation

Yeast co2 system boughy using two containers and two ladders

Lost my gourami today :(

Bought tnc complete ferts which came this morning. had maybe 4 weeks without any ferts
So hope this shows some good results

Bought 10 cardinal tetras today, maybe getting another 10 tommorrow, lovely little things :D.


Struggling with the rest on phone :-/






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