My 1 Remaining Platy


1 Woman Army ;)
Nov 20, 2011
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Since I had misplaced my camera, I wasn't able to capture my platies blue eyes...until now! I took the opportunity at breakfast and got a couple of shots.


She had fry a week ago,I have 2 of them I am hoping they are white with blue eyes just like her! The male was exactly like her but with less black. If he was the dad then there's a strong chance the babies will be the same! The fry were born pink but are now white. 
Just thought I would give her a mention as she is the only platy I have :)
Very nice, and congrats on the fry!  Looking forward to seeing the babies grow!
Her blue eyes are more obvious on the 2nd shot. She's a real beauty!
Looking forward to seeing pics of the fry when they are big enough and brave enough to be seen out in the open!
Thanks guys.
NeonBlueLeon said:
Very nice, and congrats on the fry!  Looking forward to seeing the babies grow!
Thanks, I had 2 female and 2 male guppies in the tank that the fry are in-I didn't even notice them even when I uprooted everything. They just appeared. I find the growth rate of platies to be very slow we may be a while lol.
Mamashack said:
Her blue eyes are more obvious on the 2nd shot. She's a real beauty!
Looking forward to seeing pics of the fry when they are big enough and brave enough to be seen out in the open!
I hardly see the fry myself they are masters of stealth. I panic all the time, but trying to find 2 half cm long fry in a 64L tank is hard! I should just leave them to it,. they have been surviving like this for years so it's their instinct. 
*just had visions of me in a ghillie suit doing a stake out*
Blondielovesfish said:
She's very nice! 
I wonder how often the blue eye variation occurs?
Thanks, I have never seen it before, maybe something to do with colouring? I have never seen a white platy before, both her and the male were white with the blue eyes. I am hoping I have a boy and a girl. If I breed the boy to the girl I will have fry that might not have the blue eyes but will be carriers. If I have a male fry I will breed him back to the mum, that way the strain should have more chance of being white with blue eyes. 
As with everything genetics is a funny one to work out. We don't know what is in the females strain or the males strain. 
For example my dad bred rottweilers and german shepherds when I was young. The mother was a long haired silver sable and the dad a longhaired black and tan. She had 3 litters in her life. Every single one had a white puppy in it! We discovered that in the males line, his great grandparents were solid white so he was a carrier!
I love messing about with guppy / platy colours it's very interesting to see the results.
Ny82 said:
I love messing about with guppy / platy colours it's very interesting to see the results.
Sounds very interesting. Looking forward to seeing how it all turns out. :)
Thanks I just hope it all goes to plan!
What a pretty little fish! Hope those fry will survive! To help them grow keeping the water pristine helps! :)
Yeah they are doing really well-when I can see them that is! They have already gotten a bit bigger! 
You have quite the blue-eyed fish collection.  I was shopping for a betta and was looking for one with blue eyes because of your betta journal, but I can't find one.  So jelly!
Thanks, I didn't even realise the platies were blue eyed. I just happen to find them. Hence the breeding project for the platies. The 2 babies I have are doing great.
I think in the platies the white colour causes it.  Lack of pigment usually cause albinism, but in fish, they can be coloured and still carry the albino gene by having red eyes.
I think that because she is white she is carrying the blue eye gene. I don't know if the babies will turn out all white, or if they will have the black spots like mum does. I am trying everything to make sure they grow into healthy adults so that they are good stock to start the breeding with by breeding back to mum. Super excited.
I was devastated when my blue eyed betta died. He really was 1 of a kind :(
My female platy is becoming very fat. No doubt she's getting pregnant again. When she was 1st pregnant, she wasn't that fat, she had no gravid spot and there was no indication of babies even though she is almost transparent. I will look back on my journal and find out when the babies were born. It was on the devastating day that my betta died too. After that I can work out how long she has left and when she can be moved into the breeding tank.
So I'm curious I would love to breed some cool strained of platies or guppies but I do need a place for the excess fry to go where do all of yours go? Minus the ones you plan to breed of course!

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