Mum Dropped In For A Visit

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Better is Betta

Feb 9, 2011
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I got up this morning and started to feed my bettas and what a surprise :hyper: The mother of one of my babies decided to jump out of her 2ft tank and end up in the tank next to it. Now she must have known what she wanted because if she jumped to the other side, the front or the back of the tank she was in, she would have ended up on the ground. Ok now you are all saying why haven't you got a lid on your tank. Well sorry I don't and this is the first time one has ever done this in the 5 years I've been keeping bettas which makes me think she had all intentions of paying her daughter a visit.
I don't have covers on my tanks either, too hot in summer for my other fish. But then my fish don't go leaping out of their homes, even the khuli loaches are happy to stay put. Is it only the one daughter in the tank? I wonder if mum and daughter will be able to stay together?
Yes and they are getting on just fine at the moment. I'll keep my eye on them but mum has always been a docile fish.
Hope mum and daughter can stay together, they will probably enjoy the company, who knows maybe you can even put another sister or two back in with them.

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