Mudskipper Help

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Dec 22, 2016
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So I am getting a used 20 gallon long tank from a friend and it had lizard in it and were upgrading it so they gave it to me. And I wanted to have a oddball tank so then I found mud skippers and I know a lot about aquatic life so I wanted to have a challenge with amphibious fish and so I have some questions that I need help with. I would like Indian mud skippers. But if possible have one African mud skipper by himself

1. How do you ventilate a mud skipper tank because the cover is mesh and that would take out all the humidity and also how do you prevent mold if i cover the mesh

2. How much humidity do I need for mud skippers, and do i need a humidifier

3.Can I feed mud skippers freeze dried blood worms. Do I need to feed them veggies

4. How many Indian mud skippers can go in a 20 gallon

5. Can I use gravel, or if I use sand how will i vacuum it

6. Can I keep other tank mates with Indian mud skippers. (No mollies I already have them in a community tank)

7. How do I clean the land section of the tank from the poop

8. Are there any brackish terrestrial plants other than mangrove

9. How do I make a land area from the back of the tank. (I just don't want to pile my substrate to the side)

10.In my area it is cold and I have a heater for my water but how do I heat the land portion. Also for the heater how do I shield it from the mudskipper

Sorry for all the questions, I just don't want a tank disaster. Any additional information is apperaciated. I am also aware they need brackish water and know how to make it. Lastly what filter should I use.
These are very interesting little fish.

1. How do you ventilate a mud skipper tank because the cover is mesh and that would take out all the humidity and also how do you prevent mold if i cover the mesh

2. How much humidity do I need for mud skippers, and do i need a humidifier

Set the tank up like a normal fish aquarium, by which I mean have a glass cover or a tank hood canopy. You need to keep the air in the tank warm and moist. The water level will be partial. You don't need a humidifier. Heat the water with an aquarium submersible heater, and with the cover the air will remain warm and moist. I never had mold issues.

3.Can I feed mud skippers freeze dried blood worms. Do I need to feed them veggies

Mudskippers are carnivores; in their habitat they feed on any small critter they see scampering over the mangrove mud. I fed mine live tubifex worms once a week as a treat, and the rest of the time various chunky fish foods like frozen squid (ideal) and frozen plankton. Frozen shrimp would work, and frozen bloodworms. Keep the bloodworms minimal though; as with any worm, once or at most twice a week is max.

Initially the food might have to "move," so I used a small piece of bamboo with the chunk of food on the tip. In no time the mudskipper became so tame he ate off my finger every day. He would always jump up when he saw my hand; once he got so excited when I opened the lid he jumped out and I had to chase him across the floor.

4. How many Indian mud skippers can go in a 20 gallon

I can't remember which species I had, but it was just the one. Check the data here:

5. Can I use gravel, or if I use sand how will i vacuum it

I would definitely use sand. When I had mine, I had chunks of wood at each end of the tank for the "land" area, with brackish water in between. With sand, it should be just at water level so it is always wet, and you can sort of mound it in places. A 20g is not that large, so the chunks of wood might work best; sand built up would need a retaining wall, and take up a lot of space, but if you do this, I would have it at one end.

6. Can I keep other tank mates with Indian mud skippers. (No mollies I already have them in a community tank)

No, this is not a good idea (other fish with mudskippers).

8. Are there any brackish terrestrial plants other than mangrove

Java Fern works here. Attach it to bits of wood, and it can be submersed, or emersed provided the rhizome and roots are submersed.

10.In my area it is cold and I have a heater for my water but how do I heat the land portion. Also for the heater how do I shield it from the mudskipper

A submersible heater in the water will be sufficient. You can get shields for heaters to keep fish away.

Thank you for your help! could I keep a sponge on top of the mesh with little holes just thinking of a cheaper idea and also how do I clean the poop on the land. And could I feed it flakes becuase other people are not am not comfortable with frozen food. I also have freeze dried brine shrimp.
Thank you for your help! could I keep a sponge on top of the mesh with little holes just thinking of a cheaper idea and also how do I clean the poop on the land. And could I feed it flakes becuase other people are not am not comfortable with frozen food. I also have freeze dried brine shrimp.

I'm not sure what the sponge is referring to...

Mudskippers will not eat flake foods, so far as I know. It has to be chunky. Mine always ate out of the water, but if the chunks float they might eat them, you will have to try. It was rather fun to hand feed them though, part of the interest of this fish.

What is the problem with frozen fish foods? These are much more nutritious than freeze-dried. Many will not recommend much in the way of freeze-dried over time.

I had wood at the ends of the tank for "land," so it was easy to rinse these off during the weekly water change.

Okay thank you! But do I have to worry about poop on the land sections. I dont think so but just checking because I would need to disinfect. And for frozen foods the other people in the place are not comfortable with worms in the refrigerator but if that is my only chance I can try to buy another refrigerator

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