Mr Stumps' Road To Recovery


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Apr 12, 2009
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Hey guys, long time since I posted last, so I  thought a good "first" post would be about Mr Stumps, my rescued betta.
I was checking the betta tanks at work (which makes me wish I had lots and lots of tanks at home!), when I noticed one of the males had been ripped to pieces. He's literally just a swimming body with barely any fins left at all. He was a gorgeous HM with incredible colouration, but because of how extensive the damage was and how stressed he was, we were going to euthanise him. I had moved him to a different tank the day before as he had been bullying the other fish in with him, and I think that the male next to him some how managed to jump tanks (how, I don't know, the dividers are really tall!). I felt super guilty that he was now in such a state, so of course, he had to come home with me

He's currently in a mesh floating trap (with a lid!) in my 40 ltr, something my other CT male, Kaiju is not happy about. Stumps is not hugely active, but he is eating well which gives me hope. He's getting a varied diet, all of which is being soaked in garlic extract and vitamins to help boost his immune system. It's only been a week or so since I brought him home, so there's not been any noticeable healing to his fins yet, but I plan to update this thread as he improves. In 2 weeks, he'll be moved to a 60ltr when it arrives, which will give him a break from Kaiju being a stroppy git. He'll probably stay in the floating trap until he's swimming a bit stronger, and then he'll have more space to recover in.
Sadly I can't keep him permanently (I've been told by my other half that I'm not allowed to get yet another tank), but I'll be chuffed if he gets to the stage where he's healthy enough to be rehomed

A wine glass was literally all I could think of that I could put him in to get a photo. He didn't like it a great deal, so I won't be doing it again. Just thought it'd be worth showing how much damage has been done, although I'm pretty confident that he'll pull through. Once he's in the 60 ltr it'll be a lot easier to get photos of him without stressing him out


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Poor little fellow! So glad you are taking the time to help him heal.
Looking forward to seeing his progress :)
Oh you cant call him Mr Stumps, that's plain nasty!! lol
Haha, it's only a temporary name Star :p I can't give him a proper name other wise I'll get too attached to him :(
Very similar case to my boy, Chance (below.) . It's a shame it happens to the fish. Not sure that your betta's fins are clamped though, and if they aren't, then I'd call that a good sign :)
Fingers crossed for a recovery!
Tis a terrible shame, but unfortunately accidents happen
 How's Chance doing? Was that a recent thing that happened?
Just thought I'd post a picture of the monster throwing a hissy fit about Mr Stump's temporary accommodation. I'm generally not a fan of CT's at all, but when I saw Kaiju he had to come home with me :)
Bit of a rubbish picture, but it shows off his colours and fins beautifully :)


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Flute said:
Tis a terrible shame, but unfortunately accidents happen
 How's Chance doing? Was that a recent thing that happened?
Just thought I'd post a picture of the monster throwing a hissy fit about Mr Stump's temporary accommodation. I'm generally not a fan of CT's at all, but when I saw Kaiju he had to come home with me

Bit of a rubbish picture, but it shows off his colours and fins beautifully

Oh god, I know that look all too well. My newest, Morgan, doesnt like having accomodation with Oliver. xD Every time I pay attention to Oliver, Morgan tries to peer THROUGH the leaves on the other side of the divider. So funny! He's only seen Oliver once, and he went nuts xD
Unfortunatly Chance didn't make it. As well as clamped fins, he had swim bladder disease. He lasted a good four days if I remember correctly, but was just too bad.
A shame, but he probably had the best four days of his life. :)
I do love his colours btw! Im a great fan of CT's, although only own one myself. The LFS around here doesnt tend to end up with them.
Off topic - but is that artwork in your signature one of your own? o:
Awww, that's sad that he didn't pull through, but good on you for trying though! Sounds like the poor little guy was up against a lot of problems.
Sometimes Stumps' fins do look clamped, but he's not showing stress stripes, and he's eating like a pig so I have hope :) I'm sure once he's away from Kaiju it'll help too :)
Never liked CT's, they've always looked too artificial for my liking. But Kaiju is a striking little boy, so I couldn't resist :)
And yarr, it's one of my digital paintings, though it's very out of date now. I need to do a new one of Kaiju :)
Flute said:
Awww, that's sad that he didn't pull through, but good on you for trying though! Sounds like the poor little guy was up against a lot of problems.
Sometimes Stumps' fins do look clamped, but he's not showing stress stripes, and he's eating like a pig so I have hope
I'm sure once he's away from Kaiju it'll help too

Never liked CT's, they've always looked too artificial for my liking. But Kaiju is a striking little boy, so I couldn't resist

And yarr, it's one of my digital paintings, though it's very out of date now. I need to do a new one of Kaiju
Eating is a good sign, Chance wouldn't touch his food so that probably didn't help.
Aah, but you've never met Oliver. He's such a character! Although he's rather lacking in the finnage department now xD
Do you have a gallery I can drool over? :p
And do you do commisions/requests at all? Would love a group picture to remember my fighters when I leave for Uni or Japan. (The mother shall have them then! haha xD)
Hehe, Oliver sounds great :p Do you have a thread about him? If so I'd love a link :)
And I'll PM you about the art ;)
Update on Mr Stumps:
He's not looking so good today. He's been quite inactive for a few days now, and it took me a while to get him to feed, even though they were live tubifex. Will just have to wait and see if he improves. I'll do a small water change after work tomorrow and see if that perks him up a bit, but I don't want to prolong his suffering if he's not improving at all :(
Aww, its always so sad to see a fish like that! Glad you've taken him home and are making an effort to help him recover! :good:
Hope he pulls through and I wish you good luck! 

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