So, as several of you know, I lost my favorite betta last week. This means I have one empty tank. I would like to move one of my remaining betta into the six gallon. This would leave my ten gallon open for new stock. I was thinking about getting a dwarf gourami and six or so black neon tetras. Currently the ten gallon is running a TopFin 10, but I want to upgrade the filter to a Penguin 100 which will about double my filtration capacity.
I have a few questions about my stocking though:
Do black neon tetras get neon tetra disease?
Would they be alright with a dwarf gourami?
If not, how many gourami should I get (instead of the tetras)?
I've never kept tetras, but I like these little black ones. Six is the minimum I would consider. Could I bump this number to ten?
I have a few questions about my stocking though:
Do black neon tetras get neon tetra disease?
Would they be alright with a dwarf gourami?
If not, how many gourami should I get (instead of the tetras)?
I've never kept tetras, but I like these little black ones. Six is the minimum I would consider. Could I bump this number to ten?