Moving Things Around


Fish Gatherer
Feb 26, 2013
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So, as several of you know, I lost my favorite betta last week. This means I have one empty tank. I would like to move one of my remaining betta into the six gallon. This would leave my ten gallon open for new stock. I was thinking about getting a dwarf gourami and six or so black neon tetras. Currently the ten gallon is running a TopFin 10, but I want to upgrade the filter to a Penguin 100 which will about double my filtration capacity.

I have a few questions about my stocking though:

Do black neon tetras get neon tetra disease?
Would they be alright with a dwarf gourami?
If not, how many gourami should I get (instead of the tetras)?
I've never kept tetras, but I like these little black ones. Six is the minimum I would consider. Could I bump this number to ten?
A dwarf gourami really needs a 15 to do well.
A honey would work well and they are perfect community fish.
6-7 tetras would be the max I think.
Really? One source I found said ten, but I trust you. The honey gourami would be alright in a ten gallon; though? This is not a planted tank; would that be a problem? Currently I have limited caves, but I'm thinking about rescaping before I get the fish. I believe the dwarf gourami like hiding places. Is it right for me to assume they do as well? Any other requirements?
Honeys do love planted tanks as you can see from my sig :)
I meant 6-7 Teresa PLUS the honey gourami.

* tetras
the_lock_man said:
Might I respectfully point you in the direction of this thread here:-
Yes, I've seen that. It's pretty helpful. However, my concerns are now more about compatibility.

I need more info on these black neon tetras. I really like them. They would probably look nice with the honey gourami. But without much in the way of plants (which may change in my upcoming rescape), I don't want to have a depressed fish.

So does anyone know if black neon tetras get neon tetra disease? I'll get seven of them, if it turns out that they are generally healthy.

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