Moving From A Fluval Edge 23L To A 46L


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Jan 14, 2011
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I current have a nice little fluval edge 23l which has a few plants and a nice piece of bogwood in it, the tank is well established now (2 years) and have never had any issues with it.
Stocking wise i have 4 neons, 4 black bar endlers and 4 cherry shrimp.
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Having today made an impulse purchase off ebay i am now in possession of the bigger brother (fluval edge 46l). 
Now my plan is to use a new substrate in the 46l thinking of black sand or gravel to show the cherry shrimps off and then slowly move over the plants to the new tank then the fish!
Would just like to hear any views..... As both tanks are not new surely cycling shouldn't be an issue?? Was planning on using the filter media from my old tank to ensure this was the case.
Stocking wise i don't think there will be too many changes apart from more cherry shrimps as i love those little guys lol.
Any recommendations for a smooth changeover??
I have just done the same thing. Put new gravel/sand in the 46. re plant all your plants in it.Catch fish and Drain water from the 23 into the 46. Put fish in and top up with fresh water. Use the same filter and will be all sorted in less than a hour.
I would not use black sand as it makes these tanks look dark, use play sand or kiln dried.
Get some more shrimps, I have a mixture of cherries and crystal reds must be more than 100 in there now. 
Thanks for the tips, went for play sand in the end as i had a spare bag in the shed. All went fairly well although it took a while to catch the fish!
Really pleased with how it looks although i might see if i can find another piece of bogwood that will stand up to add a bit of interest in the top third of the tank.
Now what to do with that old 23l edge!!! Shrimp tank maybe??
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