Moving An Aqarium


Fish Crazy
Jul 23, 2012
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I will be moving my aquarium soon and just wondered if anyone has any tips on the best way to move it.
Be more specific.  Are you moving to a new house, or just moving it from one room to another?
Lots of buckets, Few Obstacles and helpers if possible. mine is a 90 litre and i used 9 buckets when swapping from gravel to sand. Hope that helps at all ?
Sorry eaglesaquarium I have moved house and have just got to the point of moving my aquarium to the new house.
I have to go down a bumpy ish road to get there. It has about 9 fish in it and I'm hoping to clean the hood and plastics before I set it up in its new place
No big deal, just a BIG difference in the steps you would want to take.  Have you tested the water at the new place to see how similar (or different) it is from your current water?  If its drastically different, bringing a good amount of water from your old tank will help with acclimating them.
I'd bag up any fish close to last in one gallon ziptop bags, with as much air trapped inside, plus a drop or two of StressCoat+ or Prime to deal with ammonia.  I'd probably go with 1-3 fish per bag, depending on the size of the fish.
I'd also take them over in an insulated box - picnic style to keep the temp as constant as possible, and keep them in the dark.
I'd remove the substrate from the tank and move the tank completely empty, less chance of any type of mishap.
I'd bag up any live plants with water (no need for air in these bags though) - the plants will need to adjust to the new water as well, so again, bringing as much of the old as possible will greatly help them.
Finally, I'd leave the fish in the tank for as long as possible, and add them as soon as possible (once the new tank is up to temp, of course).  I'd actually consider bringing as much of the old water as possible - even though its going to be heavy - and do small water changes (10% or less) over the course of the next two weeks about every second day to slowly acclimate the fish and plants and reduce shock as much as possible if the water is very different.
That's about all I can think of.  Did I skim past something?
Great thanks eaglesaquarium I was hoping to clean the substrate and glass as well or would you not recommend cleaning the substrate because that will have cycled bacteria on it
Cleaning it shouldn't be too much of an issue, as much of the bacteria will be in the filter.  
I did forget that.  Make sure to take the filter media in a ziptop bag as well, you need it to remain wet.
The move went well the tank wTer is crystal clear :)

I was wondering if it was ok that I cut up some brand new scouring pads and put the foam in the filter. That won't harm the fishes will it ?
Won't harm the fish as long as you still had the old media in it (at least most of it) .
Oh good I didn't know if this type of foam was harmful or leached chemicals into the water

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