Molly Pregnant


Mostly New Member
Sep 13, 2014
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Around 2 weeks ago, we saw a very very small fish swimming around the tank. It swam and hid behind the filter, when we went to capture it shortly after it had gone. We think one of the fish had offspring. At the time a molly
This tank has been setup for around 2-3 months. It contains: 10 Neons, 3 Swordtails, 3 Mollies (Had 4, 1 died), 1 shrimp (Had 2, 1 died), 1x Indian gourami and 1 Moonlight gourami and a bristlenose plec (Added today).
125 litre tank
PH 7.6
Temp: 25 degrees.
The first image was taken around a week ago. The second and third taken few hours ago. Since then it's excreted two or three times at a large amount (Nearly the same size in length).
I do have another molly (its silver) which doesn't swim around much and looks constantly bent but I don't know if it's related.


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Hi,Funny i was going to post a thread there about my molly to find out if it was pregnant it is the same shape off belly as yours the only thing i cant get photos of her as she goes into hiding....i know am not much help to you there but would like to know if she is and how long would she be pregnant for so i could get her into the breeding tank.
Regards Graham
We do have a very small breeding setup ready (Breeding net) although don't want to move the fish to it as we've read it can easily stress the fish out. I did some reading online about this somewhat "bloated" stomach, one person said it's a type of parasite.
People say to look for abnormal behaviour but I haven't noticed that either.
Yess. It looks like it is pregnant. Since you have a lot of other fishes in the tank, there is chance of the babies to be eaten. So it is better to seperate the pregnant one to another tank, and provide hiding places for the young ones too.
Good luck!!
Geethu said:
Yess. It looks like it is pregnant. Since you have a lot of other fishes in the tank, there is chance of the babies to be eaten. So it is better to seperate the pregnant one to another tank, and provide hiding places for the young ones too.
Good luck!!
I don't have another tank, only a breeding net which goes into my main tank.
As your tank is heavily stocked, you won't want to separate the babies into a breeding net. Your tank is on the minimum for mollies and swordtails, plus a large school of neons, gourami and a very messy pleco, I would actually consider removing some of your fish.

The tank is really young. How did you cycle your tank equipment?

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