Molly Fry


New Member
Mar 6, 2013
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I have a 64litre tank with 2 swordtails(male), 2 platties (male), one silver shark, one dwarf gourami (quite a moody one!!!) one male molly, 5 female mollies (plus a female youngster) and 4 neons.
Two days ago my new dalmation molly gave birth and I've managed to catch 9 fry and put them in my breeding tank.
I have two questions
How often do I feed them? I'm using crushed up flake
Also they are different colours-one black, three grey and four are black and yellow.......I always thought fry would be the same as mum
Hi and yay congrats before I start! :D
Ok, to answer your questions, you should feed the fry 2-4 times a day (personal opinion)
and for your last question, fry can be a verity or colors it all depends on which gene is stronger than the other. It's not like orange and white and getting a tan color, it has to do with the genetic traits of each parent. Good luck with your babies! :D
I would recommend feeding them Hikari Baby Bites to start and then move to crushed flake. Good luck. 
However, I want to get to the problem of your overstocked tank. Your tank is around 15 gallons, which is way to small for your fish, you shouldn't have 2 swordtails together without any females, and neon tetras should be kept in schools of at least 6. How do you plan on keeping the babies? All of your fish should have at least 40g (160l) and that doesn't count the babies.
I recommend getting a 55g tank tank, getting 2 more neon tetras, and 6 female swordtails. Make sure to cycle it first. That or you need to give away some of your fish.

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