I have a 64litre tank with 2 swordtails(male), 2 platties (male), one silver shark, one dwarf gourami (quite a moody one!!!) one male molly, 5 female mollies (plus a female youngster) and 4 neons.
Two days ago my new dalmation molly gave birth and I've managed to catch 9 fry and put them in my breeding tank.
I have two questions
How often do I feed them? I'm using crushed up flake
Also they are different colours-one black, three grey and four are black and yellow.......I always thought fry would be the same as mum
I have a 64litre tank with 2 swordtails(male), 2 platties (male), one silver shark, one dwarf gourami (quite a moody one!!!) one male molly, 5 female mollies (plus a female youngster) and 4 neons.
Two days ago my new dalmation molly gave birth and I've managed to catch 9 fry and put them in my breeding tank.
I have two questions
How often do I feed them? I'm using crushed up flake
Also they are different colours-one black, three grey and four are black and yellow.......I always thought fry would be the same as mum