last week i had 3 assasin snails and my first baby assasin all doing well. This week i have been treating the tank with excel flourish to rid of the dreaded BBA. In that time i've not seen seen any of the assasins and the baby i found this morning was an empty shell.
There is nothing in the tank that can eat the assasins other that the assasins themselves. I fear the worse. Can Excel kill them?
last week i had 3 assasin snails and my first baby assasin all doing well. This week i have been treating the tank with excel flourish to rid of the dreaded BBA. In that time i've not seen seen any of the assasins and the baby i found this morning was an empty shell.
There is nothing in the tank that can eat the assasins other that the assasins themselves. I fear the worse. Can Excel kill them?