Minnows To Cycle New Aquarium


New Member
Oct 21, 2012
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My new 90 litre aquarium is due to arrive tomorrow. I have read on another forum that minnows are good cycle a new aquarium, as they are more tolerant of a wide range of water conditions. I have around 30 - 40 in my pond and was wondering if it would be a good idea to transfer say 4 -5 into the aquarium to get the filter going when it has been up and running for a few days. Any advice would be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
We would never recommend fish-in cycles here. Even so-called 'hardy' fish will have their long term health compromised by the high levels of ammonia and nitrite they'd experience.

Does your pond have a filter? If it does, you could use a small amount of the media from that to 'seed' your new filter.
Right won't be doing that then. Yes it does have a filter. Ill take that course of action. Thanks.
And just to add minnows arent very hardy, to thrive they really do need clean well oxygenated water.
I personally wouldn't use anything from a pond to cycle an aquarium with unless it's for native coldwater species (even then I wouldnt), too many pathogens, bacteria and airborne pollutants to warrant the risk IMO.

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