Mbuna And Corydoras


Fish Addict
Jan 23, 2005
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No, I'm not going to ask if they are suitable tankmates. :fun:
I became an advisor of the fish club at my place of employment (state prison with about 3,000 men) about 4 months ago. The program has been in existence for several years, but we are the only one in the state thus far. There are a lot of inmates who know their stuff when it comes to the fish, but there is also a lot of trading that goes on behind the scenes and a lot of overstocking and mixed tanks. These inmates keep fish together that you would never imagine, and very rarely ever have a loss of fish. They keep immaculate care of their tanks and often have more than enough filtration to overstock (and don't care much about overstocking as long as everything seems okay. Some of the mixes they were telling me about, I had to see to believe.
So, I head down yesterday, and sure enough there is a 29 gallon tank full of mbuna cichlids and green corydoras, living in total harmony. The corys actually swim at mid-level often, and really just totally blend in with the cichlids. No fighting, no chasing, nothing. Some of the cichlids were quite large, and the corys were fairly small.
I was baffled by this. He has had these fish in there for around two years.

There really isn't much point to this post, other than me wanting to post about how shocked I was. I don't advocate for this obviously, but it is interesting to see that in some cases it does work. Not something I'd be willing to try, (though I totally wish corys were more compatible because I love them) but at least it's working successfully for him. They tend to be hard-headed when it comes to changing their thoughts on stocking, so I keep trying to persuade them as much as possible. :nod:

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