I'm not entirely sure if this should even go here, but I have an issue with my cycling filter. Of course it has to be the cycling one. This is a Penguin 100 in a six gallon betta tank (pending betta). I'm in the final phase of cycling this stupid thing, and now it won't work. All I did was remove the impeller and intake from the actual mechanical part so I could shorten my intake tube (so it would not be buried in sand), and now nothing works except the motor. The impeller is not spinning (to my knowledge anyway), no water is flowing in or out, and I am getting pretty close to panicking. I have my sponge, wheel, and carbon cartridge which is absolutely loaded with beautiful bacteria floating around inside the tank, with only a bubble stone for movement. I don't really have any space in the other tanks to let these pieces float around in them.
I have sent a question to Marineland, but they say it may take 72 hours for them to process my request, in which case my bacteria may be as good as dead. My fish comes in a week! What do I do?
I have sent a question to Marineland, but they say it may take 72 hours for them to process my request, in which case my bacteria may be as good as dead. My fish comes in a week! What do I do?