Fish Fanatic
Why are my two.male guppies attacking female platty please help
Thanks for your reply, my tank is 4 foot 45 gallons. So you're saying i should add more female platties??Because theyre trying to mate with her. How big is your tank? You'll need to add a couple more female livebearers to spread the aggression if you have the room to.
So i should get 3-4 more female platties or female guppies? I dont want any fry?agreeing with fighterfishh, I'd suggest getting the male guppies some females to occupy them. I had the same trouble with male guppies and female platies. They can't interbreed but it doesn't stop the guppies from trying. With the two male guppies I'd suggest getting 3-4 females if you have the room for them. The only other suggestion (if you don't have a large enough tank) would be to ask your lfs to either take back the guppies or the platies.
They will keep harressing and it could kill the platies eventually as they will become too stressed
i got 30 fish in my tank already and need another female dwarf soon. Wouldn't 3 more female platys overstock my tank??If you don't want fry, get female platies. Female guppies will result in fry.