Male Gourami Bullied By Sword Tail Male


New Member
Sep 16, 2013
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Hi guys had a tank for 2 months now. 60 litre, fish in at are:
3 mollies,
3 guppies,
1 red tail shark,
1 gold sucker
1 gourami
2 sword tails, 1 male.
2 clown loaches.

My gourami and swordtails were added to the tank last week, and I've had the other fish since a week after I got the tank. The sword tail chases the gourami and seems like its nipping his side! Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Unfortunately, a lot of your fish will get too big/aggressive for your tank.

Those fish being the Clown Loaches, Red Tailed Shark, Mollies, Gold Sucker (Chinese Algae Eater?), Gourami (which type?) and Swordtails.
So, in short only your guppies can stay :/

You need to either get a bigger tank and/or rehome some/all of the fish. Lack of space is probably why the fish are fighting.

What are the water readings (ammonia, nitrite and nitrate)?
Blondie has pretty much answered your question.
Just a few more details why.
Lack of swimming space raises aggression.
Clown Loaches grow to over a foot long. Also best to have 6+ as are shoaling fish.
RTS grow to 6 inches.
Chinese Algae Eater grow to 8 to 11 inches.
Mollies grow to 3 to 5 inches and are active swimmers, need minimum 75 litre tank.
Sword Tails grow 4 to 4.5 inches, again minimum tank 75 litres. (also think you need 2 females to 1 male)
You do not say which type of Gourami you have?
Sorry to be kinda negative on your stocking, but better to learn now before these fish really do become way too large for your tank and become stunted. 
Re-home, return to LFS or get a bigger tank are your options really for these fish listed. 
:( the man at the shop never told us this info. Very convenient... I am planning on getting a bigger tank as soon as I can afford it!
The shark and the golden sucker seem to be fighting a bit.
This is very sad news! Can they all live together in a bigger tank?
That's my gourami. Not sure on the breed? But the swordtail won't leave him alone. It's saddening!
Yes, the case of bad advice from LFS is sadly all too common.
I got bad advice regarding aquatic plants, so had to take the plants out, repot them and get more plants.
The best thing you can do is do research, ask advice on this forum before buying anything.
Do not rely on LFS to advise you as IMO the staff either do not know or cannot be bothered to find out, easiest for them is to say whatever it is you want to hear in order for you to buy from the shop!
Not always the case though as there are one or two knowledgeable staff at some LFS who do know what they are talking about but they are few and far between.
Not too sure if your list of fish can be stocked together in a larger tank, as I do not really know myself.
Wait for someone to come along to advise in that regard.
If your golden algae eater is a Chinese Algae Eater, then it will never cohabit with other fish, they can only be kept in specie only tanks. The reason is that as they age, they become extremely aggressive and are often found sucking the slime coat and scales off of fish. If you do not rehome yours, there is a chance your fish will be killed :/
If you got a tank of around 380+ litres, then you could have all of those fish (minus the gold sucker). The reason why the tank would have to be so large is because of the Clown Loaches.
The Clown Loaches would also need a bigger school, at least 6.
The Swordtails will need to have at least one more female added, most livebearers require a ratio of 1M:2F.
I think the best option for you would be to upgrade to a 30-40 gallon tank (114L-150L). Then rehome the Red Tailed Shark, Clown Loaches and Golden Sucker (if it is indeed a Chinese Algae eater). 
The you can have a few more fish, making sure not to overstock and to have the recommended school numbers and ratios.
If you do upgrade and come to planning your stock, remember to do lots of research. Never take the LFS staff advice unless you know they are knowledgeable, most staff are just trying to make a sale, as you know from being sold some inappropriate fish for your tanks.
It is also often helpful to post your planned stock list and get others advice before purchases are made :)

Also, would you be able to post a pic of your Gourami? We might be able to identify it :)

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