Male - Female Combined Tank?


Fish Addict
Jul 24, 2011
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No, I'm not that stupid :p At least I hope not. I'm not trying to put both males and females in the same tank undivided. 
I have a 20 gal tank. I have 2 male bettas who I want to put in this tank. But I also want a sorority. 
I was thinking of dividing 3-5 gal worth of space at ether end of the tank for my two boys, and possibly filling the middle space with a sorority?
I'm counting the females as having 10 gal worth of space, which would mean I could comfortable fit, what, 4-6 girls? Over stocking slightly to help with aggression. 
My main concern ATM is them jumping the dividers. 
Any opinions are very welcome, as I am aware of the aggression these fish have and any advice is also appreciated. 
IMO if you are doing a group of females a min of 20 gallons can hold around 5. the larger the numbers the more even the aggression will be.
or you can get 3-5 gallon tanks for the males (2 tanks) plant it out and do a shrimp set ups and keep the 20 for the females.
but if you want to the the idea that you have now i would only do it with the one male divided, the rest for the females and the other male don't get or have in separate tank.
for jumping you can get netting like what you find on a screen door, cut to size and boom you have a lid :p
I don't recommend the type of setup you are thinking about for a couple of reasons.  
#1 -  I have kept divided tanks with males and females and although I didn't have many true problems, I had them separated one on one.  Keeping a sorority with males "sharing" the same tank is not as good of an idea.  
#2 - It is not easy to divide a tank on a normal basis to where the most skilled of escape artists can't get in places they are not supposed to be.  Much less keeping control of them with the opposite sex just across the divider.  With that many females in the tank, if one of the males was to get across the is very possible that you will not be able to get to him before the females tear him up.
Now with saying that.  I think that you would be better off using the 20 gallon as a sorority with about 13-15 females. Then divide a separate 10 gallon for the 2 male bettas if you were to get them.  That would give you the biggest chance of success.
Wild Betta is correct. That is the best chance for success.

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