Male Betta


Fish Crazy
Apr 26, 2012
Reaction score
........ Cherry shrimp and baby platys?

I have a 25L tank that is 30cm x 30cm x 30cm. After seeing everyones male fighters its made me fall in love but i cant put one in my 64L tank as they wont get on with my Gouramis.

So im thinking out loud here but is it possible to put him in th 25L tank with my cherry shrimp and baby platy there about 1cm at the moment and the shrimp about 1.5 - 2cm.
........ Cherry shrimp and baby platys?

I have a 25L tank that is 30cm x 30cm x 30cm. After seeing everyones male fighters its made me fall in love but i cant put one in my 64L tank as they wont get on with my Gouramis.

So im thinking out loud here but is it possible to put him in th 25L tank with my cherry shrimp and baby platy there about 1cm at the moment and the shrimp about 1.5 - 2cm.

As I say to everyone who asks about compatibility with bettas - they are all different. Some are very aggressive and will eat shrimp/babies. Others really don't care about their surroundings.

It's about the individual fishes really, and up to you if you want to take the risk.
Is a 25L tank big enough or would you say a bigger size?

We already have one male betta in a 48L tank with some tank mate but he lives at my girlfriends house.

I just want one of my own :lol:
Bettas are fish that people disagree on tank size. I say nothing less than 5 gallons, with more than that being preferable - so yours is just fine. In the wild, they live in very small spaces.

As long as you move out the baby platys when they get too big (if the betta doesn't kill them :crazy: ) it should be fine. Bettas are great little fish. Beautiful with lots of personality and well worth buying.
Ill have a long hard think about it as the bogwood will need to go as it feels alot of the tank up. And i dont want my Platy babies being killed.

Could be a great excuse for a 3 tank :lol:
25 litres is fine, I have 2 in their own 25 litre tanks.
My new boy wasn't keen on cherry shrimp at first, he munched 2 of the smaller ones, but now he ignores them.
Some Bettas however won't tolerate any tank mates, others seem to enjoy company, it depends on the individual Betta
My betta is in a 28L tank and I think it's a nice size, so size-wise it'd be fine for a betta. Only thing is that baby platys may make easy snacks for a betta, and cherry shrimp can be hit and miss (small and colourful = easy targets). You could put a betta in there, but be prepared to move him out.

It could indeed make an excellent excuse for a 3rd tank. How about getting one around 40L or so, dividing it and keeping two? ;)
Llegmore, whilst betta's do live in Rice Paddies they are far from small spaces. One male can have a territory up to 3ft squared...
Llegmore, whilst betta's do live in Rice Paddies they are far from small spaces. One male can have a territory up to 3ft squared...

Ah. Apologies. I should have said that they 'can' live in very small spaces. E.g. they can get trapped in spaces the size of puddles and still survive.

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