Madagascar Lace Plants


Fish Fanatic
Aug 8, 2011
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Hey guys I would like to get some Madagascar Lace plants but I have sand as my sub, now I'm getting different answers from all over the web, I trust the plant people on here so I thought I would ask it here. Is it possible for this plant to grow and do well with sand and not dirt?

Thanks for any help with the matter.

P.s I'm not currently running co2.
yes, it will grow in just plain old sand, though Aponogeton madagascariensis does appreciate fertilisation and some C02. Though, i have seen them grown in low tech tanks, with just basic micro ferts :good:
Nice one ianho, I'm planning on going the co2 route very soon but want to read up more on the set up and what not, also I work offshore for 2 week stints would co2 be ok running on its own? My misses feeds the fish and takes care of everything else but she is not to keen on the idea of been responsible for the co2. Would it be able to look after itself so to speak for the 2 week period?

Any help on the matter would be very much appreciated cheers Dav
the C02 should be fine, if you use C02, timer and a solenoid to shut the C02 off. The missus would have to dose some ferts though, as C02 increases the need for more macro ferts (nitrate and phosphate), if you can trust her to do that then i see no problems. :good:
the C02 should be fine, if you use C02, timer and a solenoid to shut the C02 off. The missus would have to dose some ferts though, as C02 increases the need for more macro ferts (nitrate and phosphate), if you can trust her to do that then i see no problems. :good:

Haha yeah I trust her to do that, when I come around to sorting out a co2 setup would I be able to send you a pm for some assistants? If you don't mind that is, would rather pm then clutter up the forum with more threads. :) if you don't feel comfortable with that then that's fine ianho :good:

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