Fish Crazy
My lyretail I recently bought cannot stay upright and even though it's been 24 hours and she's still breathing, I don't think she's going to make it.
Is there salt or anything I can do to try and fix her and get her upright?
Should I just euthanize her and how would I do that?
I tried to keep her in the net to help her stay upright and to keep the snails from eating her alive if she sits on the bottom. They did stay off of her this way but I haven't seen progress today and don't know if there's something that can help her recover
Is there salt or anything I can do to try and fix her and get her upright?
Should I just euthanize her and how would I do that?
I tried to keep her in the net to help her stay upright and to keep the snails from eating her alive if she sits on the bottom. They did stay off of her this way but I haven't seen progress today and don't know if there's something that can help her recover