Lost Ram


Wolf Overlord
Nov 9, 2012
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So I lost a german blue ram today. Turned the tank upside down and never found a body. Unless it jumped I can't see it at all.

So am left one 1 ram, 3 pearls and 5 phantom tetras (which are all male and may have to be fixed )

Anyone ideas what to do with the tank. I hate the word understocked but it looks like it.
Sorry to hear the bad news, 
Rams do tend to vanish! I came home one lunch time and dosed my daily ferts, noticed my pair of rams at the glass like they did everyday, went to the kitchen made a sandwich and a cuppa and went to sit next to the tank and look at it whilst eating my dinner. 
The male ram was nowhere to be seen, so I checked the whole tank and also the surrounding area on the floor (open top tank) and found nothing at all, so in the space of 5 mins he vanished into thin air!! I came to the conclusion that he must have jumped out of the tank and was flopping round and my Yorkshire Terrier must have ate him up. 

What size is your tank?
So I take it german blues have a habit of jumping. My cat may have ran off with it then if that be the case. It's a 200l tank. In my sig, am not up for keeping the last german ram on it's own so am open to anything.
I'd be surprised if a Ram jumped - I don't see them going high enough in the tank to jump.

I'd keep an eye on your ammonia levels over the next few days just in case you have a body somewhere
My gold rams were very active and the male was very energetic and I witnessed him race to the surface numerous times. I guess they are all different temprament wise.
It's a shame, Was starting to like them. Gotta rethink what I wanna do now.

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