Looking To Add To Tank, Any Sugestions?


New Member
Feb 16, 2013
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I have a 55g tank with a 350gph external filter, completely planted, currently stocked with 11 glowlight tetras, 6 rosy barbs, 2 bristlenose plecos, and one angelfish. I'm contemplating adding 1 or 2 more fish, but have no idea what. I have soft water and low ph. 
Looking for suggestions, or even if that would overload the tank. I like what I have in there now, but of course, am always wanting to add another one. 
Angels are normally considered too aggressive for the glowlight tetras.  Have you noticed any aggression yet?  Do you have any wood for the BN Plecos?
None at all, actually prefers them to the barbs, and the tetras really don't school much, so they must feel pretty safe around it. I got the angel as a baby and the tetras were full grown, so maybe that helped. I have 2 large pieces of driftwood in there. 

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