Looking For Staurogyne Repens

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Fish Fanatic
Aug 5, 2012
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I live in the US and in the middle of nowhere. I've been looking online for ages for this plant to add to my 55 gal Amazon tank. The tank just looks sad because I have half of it planted and the other half has just a red dwarf lily growing like crazy on the other side. I have three Amazon swords and cabomba all along the left and back with dwarf sagg (starting to carpet, finally!) along the front. I have a natural planted tank with dirt underneath a sand cap. No CO2, but 2 T5HO 54 watt bulbs and when I remember I dose with Flourish Excel. My plants are growing like mad and obviously happy, but I want to finish my tank! I still need stargrass, Alternanthera reineckii, and obviously, Staurogyne repens... Does anyone have any suggestions as to where I can get my hands on some? I work at my local LFS, but we can't get any of these species in because of where we are and limited suppliers. Any help would be appreciated.

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